徐州好得家商城B区的建筑给排水设计及探讨 (1).doc

徐州好得家商城B区的建筑给排水设计及探讨 (1).doc

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苏州科技大学硕士论文 摘要 PAGE II PAGE II 摘 要 近年,我国各大城市的快速扩张,高层建筑也如春笋般一栋栋的拔地而起,地标及高层建筑越来越多,然而高层建筑内部构造和空间的布置越来越复杂、层数的设计越来越多、建筑的高度也越来越高,同时消防设备的局限性和救援的难度大等,所以高层建筑在建筑给水排水设计和消防设计上难度也越来越大。一批新规范的更新及实施,对建筑物的各方面的要求不断提高,对设计人员的自身水平要求也提高,特别是新的消防规范的实施,总结了我国消防给水及消火栓系统研究、制造、设计和维护管理的科研成果及工程实践经验,使消防系统更加完善。同时我国在绿色建筑技术和节水节能方面做出更高的要求,《民用建筑绿色设计规范》和《绿色建筑评价标准》的发布与实施,对于新建和改造项目的设计要求最大限度地达到节能、节水、节地、节材和环保等目的,全面贯彻以人为本和可持续发展的设计理念。本次研究的主要技术包括:雨水收集及循环利用,消防给水及消火栓系统技术规范 GB50974-2014中消防水池的水位控制及增压泵的起泵压力计算等。 关词键: 高层建筑给排水设计,高层建筑消防给水设计,节水节能,雨水收集及循环利用。 苏州科技大学硕士论文 Abstract Abstract In recent years, the rapid expansion of cities in our country, high-rise buildings and explosion going, landmarks, and more and more high-rise buildings, however, internal structure and layout of the space is more and more high-rise buildings more and more complex, the number of layer design, building height is becoming more and more high, at the same time, the limitation of the fire fighting equipment and rescue is difficult, so the high-rise buildings in building water supply and drainage and fire fighting design difficulty is becoming more and more big. A batch of new specification update and implementation of the requirement of increasing the various aspects of the building and requirements for the level of design staff is improved, especially the implementation of the new fire code, fire water and fire hydrant system research in China are summarized, the manufacture, design and maintenance and management of scientific research and engineering practice experience, make the fire protection system will be improved. In green building technology and water saving and energy saving in our country at the same time make a higher request, the green design of civil buildings and green building evaluation standard launch and implementation, for new and renovation project design requirements to the gr


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