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I was much disappointed ______his absence . 他 不在,我很失望。 I am greatly disappointed ______him . 我对他大 失所望。 I was disappointed _____the bus . 汽车等不到, 我感到失望。 I am afraid you're very disappointed _______me . 恐怕你对我非常不满意吧 。 at in of with (2) 注意由 disappoint 构成的搭配: be disappointed at 因为不满意某一事实、行为而感到失望。 be disappointed in 因某人某事不合理想而感到失望。 be disappointed of 因得不到什么而感到失望。 be disappointed with 对某人或者某事不满意。 be disappointed to do 干 …… 很失望。 望远镜看到的木星表面最知名 的“大红点”就是一种有 300 年历 史的暴风雪留下的,它可以在相 当于三个地球大的表面刮起速度 高达每小时 300 英里的飓风。 哈勃望远镜拍摄到木星极光 Are we alone( 孤单的 ) in the universe? in the universe=in space The Hubble telescope Where is the Hubble? It is above the earth's___________. atmosphere above=outside How much does it cost? It costs over a billion dollars. over=more than It was launched into space by NASA . He is the director( 局长 ) of NASA. astronau t The shuttle Endeavour will take the astronauts to the Hubble. galaxy The galaxy is very _________from us distant The Hubble telescope _________into space by NASA on April 20, 1990, at a cost of over a billion dollars. Right from the start there _____trouble with the Hubble. The pictures it_____us_____very disappointing because its main mirror ______faulty! NASA now ______________put the telescope right, so it will soon _________four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour ____________the astronauts to the Hubble. A robot-arm from the Endeavour ________the telescope and _______it while the astronauts ______ the necessary repairs. Of course, the Hubble ________above the earth' atmosphere, so it will soon __________us the clearest pictures of stars and distant galaxies that we have ever_________. The Hubble _______us a great deal about the age and size of the universe . By the time you ________this, the Hubble's eagle eye ___________us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures. was launched was sent were is going to put was be sending up will be taking grab hold make is be sending seen will


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