15句式转换译法 优质课件.ppt

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退出 返回章重点 31 课堂互动 4 : 翻译下列句子 , 注意状语从句的译法 ( 参考译文) 10 . Not long after they were married, however, the beautiful woman found out that she was more the object of his artistic interest than of his affections. When he admired her classic beauty, it was as though he were standing in front of a work of art rather than in front of a human being to whom he had pledged his love and promised his life. And soon he expressed his great desire to put her rare beauty on canvas. 【译文】婚后不久这位美女就发现,丈夫对她如此感兴趣 却并非爱她,而是欣赏艺术。他称赞她身上的古典美, 就好像是站在一座艺术品前欣赏,而不是把她当作活 生生的人,当作他发誓要终生相爱的人。过不久他就 强烈表示要把她旷古稀世的美画出来。 小节结束 退出 返回章重点 32 课堂互动 5 : 翻译下列句子 , 注意名词性从句的译法 (参考译文) 1 . Ill try to make up what I have missed. 【译文】我将把缺掉的(内容)补起来。 2 . A principle of science tells what usually happens under certain conditions. 【译文】科学原理告诉我们在一定条件下 会发生的事情。 退出 返回章重点 33 课堂互动 5 : 翻译下列句子 , 注意名词性从句的译法 (参考译文) 3 . The problem that all machines in this factory must be automated will be solved before long. (同位语从 句译成定语从句) 【译文】该厂所有机器实现自动化的问 题,不久就能解决。 退出 返回章重点 34 课堂互动 5 : 翻译下列句子 , 注意名词性从句的译法 (参考译文) 4 . It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have survived the crash. (it 作形式主语 ) 【译文】驾驶员在飞机坠毁后竟然还能 活着,这看来是不可想象的事。 退出 返回章重点 35 课堂互动 5 : 翻译下列句子 , 注意名词性从句的译法 (参考译文) 5 . Today doctors can find out by means of x-rays whether a patient has tuberculosis. 【译文】今天,医生可以利用 x 光来确 诊病人是否患有肺结核。 退出 返回章重点 36 课堂互动 5 : 翻译下列句子 , 注意名词性从句的译法 (参考译文) 6 . He is surprised to read the news in the newspaper that his father should be still alive . ( 同位语从句 ) 【译文】他在报纸上读到这条消息很吃 惊:他的父亲竟然还活着。 退出 返回章重点 37 课堂互动 5 : 翻译下列句子 , 注意名词性从句的译法 (参考译文) 7 . I could see at once from his bright eyes and the smile on his face that the uniform was a disguise. 【译文】从他那明亮的眼睛和微笑的 脸上,我弄明白了,他是为了化 装而穿那件制服的。 退出 返回章重点 38 课堂互动 5 : 翻译下列句子 , 注意名词性从句的译法 (参考译文) 8 . How the hot iron emits light energy, and how this energy reaches our eyes , is one of the natur


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