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Lesson 50 Taken for a ride 河南 平顶山 清艳英语学校 音似腕瞩雨哼括昂丙疟盲诈攫况卷竭樊琶臻咳瓤放过厨飞诸遣猪遮棒忙脓新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT)新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT) Let’s do some translation: 1. The young man was ____ (厌倦)of sleeping on the floor. 2. My bed has springs and a_______(床垫). 3.A_____ (一阵)of wind swept my hat off . 4. The bed was ______ (摔碎)to pieces. 5. She _____(扫视)round the room before she left. 沦霉妻礁片瓢颜雅瓮贴研除枫量蜗照协蛰蔑居充核身酌诬怠阶根南仇梗抹新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT)新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT) 表示习惯性动作的动词P238 用于一般现在时,不用于现在进行时。 我爱流行音乐。 那些书是属于他的。 这一组由十个学生组成。 我希望很快见到你。 他想要看电视。 P238 B 服俱沙峪幢噎很久亭偏均傅札怠我讥副卉鹿沃痛园桐唆点床门谭袭休掺蹲新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT)新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT) Let’s look at the new words: 1. ride [raid] ?n. 乘坐,乘车,搭便车 v. 骑,乘坐 It's only a 5-minute bus-ride to the park. 坐公共汽车去公园仅需5分钟. Could you give me a ride to the station? 你能开车送我到车站吗? 2. excursion [iks‘k?:??n] n. 远足,短途旅行 We’ll go on an excursion to the mountains. 我们要去大山里远足。 异鸳戒蕴积警宝庙桓谣拉秋陇医芦鸟笨击粉湃限韵爸镐数卷杯锋龚冉亿氨新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT)新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT) Let’s watch the flash. After that we should answer some questions: 1.Where does the writer love travelling? Where did he want to go on his recent excursion? 2.what did the writer realize when the bus stopped? 3.Why didn’t the writer get off at Woodford Green? 卵淬沃舌淌虹龚絮循释吴仰嫡双岸票慑跋孪吱踞醋尤漠轰洛忠篱舜瞥右饰新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT)新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT) Flash of lesson 50 缨葱部亮吨掸歉变苍壹晤脯几懈澡奉佰遂肌厨滑婆懒肥佛道誓抬引讽某狼新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT)新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT) Let’s answer these questions: 1.Where does the writer love travelling? Where did he want to go on his recent excursion? 2.what did the writer realize when the bus stopped? 3.Why didn’t the writer get off at Woodford Green? 窘颤贫骏瞒拜猴帖裁波锐递盂掷泻括摊蔼怀愈陋隅鲸孝悍童盗涎肚躇沪钩新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT)新概念英语第二册第50课(共23张PPT) 1. take… for …认为……是…… The trip was taken for a ride to me. 我把这次旅行看成是乘车兜风。 I take you for an honest man. 我认为你是个诚实的人。 We can take the visit for a study. 我们可以把这次的访问当做一次学习。 镍斋雄黍矛刃啄豁续持母致拘阵代逝裔股碘份企恕碳喷倒盗总使肿尉熟鸵新概念英语第二册第50课(共2


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