2019精选教育届一轮复习外研版必修三Module3 The Violence of Nature课件51张.ppt

2019精选教育届一轮复习外研版必修三Module3 The Violence of Nature课件51张.ppt

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首页 上页 下页 尾页 核心考点 突破 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 教材情景导入 02 短文改错 ( 按高考试卷要求从原文中修改 ) About 400 earthquakes occur worldwide every day , more than a hundred thousands thousand in a year. The California Earthquake of 18th of April 1906 is the worst earthquake which that has ever happened in the United States.Though it was lasted for only a minute , it caused the worse worst natural disaster in the nation ' s history.People who experienced it wouldn ' t talk about it any more. 首页 上页 下页 尾页 核心考点 突破 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 Fires causing caused by the California Earthquake did the most damages damage .The fires burned for three days , destroyed destroying 25,000 buildings in all .About 500 people are were killed in the city of San Francisco and 250,000 were made homeless.In the whole of California , the earthquake and fires caused about 3,000 death deaths . Is there any possibility of avoiding earthquakes ? God knows. 首页 上页 下页 尾页 核心考点 突破 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 1 experience vt . 经历;体验 n . [C] 经历; [U] 经验 (1)experience in/of 在 …… 方面的经验 by/from experience 通过经验,从经验中 ( 得出 ) in one ' s experience 根据某人的经验看 (2)experienced adj . 有经验的;熟练的 be experienced in 在 …… 方面有经验 ① He had many interesting while travelling in continental Europe. 他在游历欧洲大陆时有许多有趣的经历。 experiences 首页 上页 下页 尾页 核心考点 突破 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 [ 巧学助记 ] Mr Kroll is an officer with experience , who has many odd experiences .Even he has experienced what death means. 克罗尔先生是位有经验的军官, 他有着很多奇怪的经历。 他 甚至体验过什么是死亡。 首页 上页 下页 尾页 核心考点 突破 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 [ 易错提醒 ] experience 作 “ 经验 ” 讲时是不可数名词, 作 “ 经 历 ” 讲时是可数名词,同学们一定要注意其区别,特别是在 写求职信时。 ② I ' m full of experience working for charity. 我对慈善工作很有经验。 首页 上页 下页 尾页 核心考点 突破 基础知识 回顾



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