onebeltandoneroad一带一路英文演讲 课堂.pptVIP

onebeltandoneroad一带一路英文演讲 课堂.ppt

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One Belt and One Road 1 “ One Belt and One Road ” ? “One Belt and One Road short for Silk Road Economic Belt and st Century Maritime Silk 潒摡 2 Essence 作佂屒 is not an entity and the mechanism,it is a economic cooperation concept, and belongs to the multinational economic belt. 作佂屒 is a development strategy and framework that focuses on connectivity and cooperation among countries primarily in Eurasia, which consists of two main components, the land-based Silk Road Economic 敂瑬 (SREB) and oceangoing Maritime Silk 潒摡 (MSR). 作佂屒 aims at borrow the ancient symbolsilk road,and carry the banner of peaceful development, actively develop an economic partnership with countries along the Silk Road and regions,to build community of interest,fate community and community in responsibility of political mutual trust, economic integration, culturally tolerant 3 Countries and regions along the “ One Belt, One Road ” data such as population and economic scale 4 A b s o r b e x c e s s capacity Why do China want to carry out One Belt,One Road? For the nation 5 1 2 3 Drive capacity output by capital output Strengthen international cooperation Reverse balance of payments situation For the word: 6 Infrastructure Networks 7 Sources of funds AIIB is a proposed international financial institution which is focused on supporting infrastructure construction in the Asia-Pacific region. SCODB is multilateral development finance institution,and it expand cooperation in the settlement in local currencies and promote the economy and trade communion of regions by joint contribution and joint benefit New Development Bank is a proposed international financial institution which is focused on supporting infrastructure construction of these 5 BRICS and other developing SIF is a state owned investment fund of the Chinese government to foster increased investment in countries along the One Belt, One Road, an economic development initiative primarily covering Euras


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