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2020年北京民革逸仙中学高二英语模拟试题 一、 选择题 1. England is the largest of the four countries,and for convenience it ???????roughly??????? three zones. A.divides;into     B.is divided;into?? C.separates;from    D.is separated;from 参考答案: B 2. Mary comes downstairs to ______ a customer complaining about the poor service. ?? A. hear???? ?????B. overhear?? ???????C. see???? ??????D. watch 参考答案: B 3. ?--- How’s your new babysitter? ?? --- We ______ ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much. ? ?A. should ??????????????????? ??B. might ????????????? ???????C. mustn’t ?????????????????????????? D. couldn’t 参考答案: D 4. It???? be difficult to get a train ticket during traditional Chinese Spring Festival this year because there are many ticket windows. A. mustn't?????? B. ought to???? C. needn't????? D. can't 参考答案: D 5. She is in a poor _______ of health, which worries her mother a lot. A. position ????? B. situation ????? ??? C. case??????????????? D. state 参考答案: D 6. Another primary school is reported ______ for children in Wenchuan now. ?????? A. to have been built????? B. to have built?????? C. to be building???? D. being built 参考答案: a 略 7. The new law has come into effect, and ? number of wild animals here is on____increase now. A. the; the??? B. a; the??? C. the; /??? D. a; / 参考答案: A 【详解】考查冠词及固定搭配。句意:新的法律已经生效,野生动物的数量正在增加。由谓语动词is可知主语是the number of...,the number of...为固定搭配,意为“……的数量”;on the increase是固定搭配,意为“在增加”。根据语境可知,选A。 8. -How are things with you? ??? -? .I now make enough money to pay bills and keep food on the table. A.From bad to wrose??? B.Can’t complain C.Too bad?? ?D.Too good 参考答案: B 略 9. The medical reform in that country turns out to be ______failure, but as we know, success often comes after ______ failure. A a, the??????? B a, a??????? C /, /?????? D a, / 参考答案: D 10. Riding bikes has advantages __________ driving cars ________ many aspects. A. above; in???????? B. over; in???????? C. on; on??????? ??D. with; on 参考答案: B 11. Everyone arrived Late at the party, for


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