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? * 常见万能同义词( Synonyms of All Work) ? aim – purpose, design, object, intention ? ban – interdict, prohibition, restraint ? bid – offer, endeavor, attempt ? chief – supervisor, overseer, governor, ? director, manager, commander ? cut – abridgement, abbreviation, shortening, ? curtailment ? Job – undertaking, enterprise, achievement ? Meet – assembly, convention, congregation,conference ? 3 新造词 ? 旧词新意: ? As a result of his hawkish stance and the hardline position taken by a number of other officials, the dispute became enormously magnified. ? 由于他的鹰派作风和其它一些政治家的强硬立场,这次争论被 无限的放大了。 ? The rapid growing death toll of AIDS victims has posed a widespread panic across the States from gay bars in the west coast of California to the Fun Citys red-light districts. ? 艾滋病患者死亡人数激增造成恐慌。恐慌波及全国,从西海岸 加州的同性恋酒吧到逍遥城纽约的红灯区。 ? ? 合成词: ? ? 1) But on decontrol of oil, we had extensive consultations not only with Congress, but also with the entire spectrum of outside groups: everything from oil companies and the business community to consumers and environmental leaders. ? 但是在取消石油管制方面,我们进行过广泛的协商,不仅与国 会协商,而且与整个外界各类集团协商:从石油公司,工商界到消费 者以及环保方面的头面人物。 ? 2) Mr. Moynihan used the job to build his constituency though he denies that charge, saying that the stories he was r u n n i n g f o r s e n a t e f r o m t h e U N w e r e R u s s i a n “ disinformation ” . ? 莫伊尼汉先生利用他的职位来争取选民投他的票,尽管他否认 这种指责。他说,有关他站在联合国的席位上来竞选美国参议员的报 道是俄国人的造谣。 ? 3) Manned lunar exploration for purely scientific reasons probably will not resume for many years. And when it does, it most likely will use a more low-keyed, cost-effective approach than the use- em-up- and throw- em-away Apollo program. ? 纯粹为科学研究而进行的载人月球探险今后许多年都可能不会 再搞了。再进行时极可能采用更有节制,花钱更有效的方法,而不像 阿波罗号那样,用完就扔掉 。 ? * 如何翻译词典中查不到的词? ? 1 掌握构词法知识(新造词) ? For example: ? 与网络有关的


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