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第 =page 2 2页,共 =sectionpages 2 2页 第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 1 1页 题号 I II III IV V VI VII 总分 得分 一、单选题(本大题共14小题,共14.0分) -- I have left my water at home. -- Don't worry. You can share some of _____ at the picnic.(  ) A. our B. ours C. ourselves D. us Look at the sign! We can't park here, _____ you will be fined(罚款).(  ) A. or B. but C. and D. then How was your trip to Disneyland in Shanghai? Wonderful! I had many unforgetful _______ there.(  ) A. experiences B. degrees C. instructions D. agreements Gail Kelly, the CEO of Westpac Bank, is really excellent. Yes. She seems to have _____ - looks, money and wisdom.(  ) A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing Do you know that the 24th Winter Olympic Games ______ in China in 2022? Yeah. I'm proud of it.(  ) A. is?going?to?hold B. hold C. will?be?held D. was?held —I?missed?the?match?between?Ma?Long?and?Fan?Zhendong?last?night. ______, May. —Amazing. It's?the?most?exciting?match?of?the?world?table?tennis. A. Can?I?help?you B. Could?you?help?me C. What's?it?about D. What's?it?like More and more teachers _____ their teaching method in the past few years.(  ) A. change B. have?changed C. will?change D. changes Mum, I've finished my homework. Can I go swimming now? Sure, dear, but remember that you ____ go with your dad.(  ) A. can B. must C. could D. might -Look!The students are learning Hainan Opera in the music class. - special the class is!(  ) A. What B. What?a C. How How do you like that brown sofa? Just so-so, and it might _______ too much space of our living room.(  ) A. take?up B. make?up C. put?up D. open?up Last night, we arrived home very late, ____________the door locked.(  ) A. finding B. to?find C. found D. only?to?find What are you reading? A book about a football player. He was well______ for helping so many homeless children.(  ) A. expected B. respected C. enjoyed D. received --Our team lost the basket ball game and I feel very sad. --______.I believe you can do better next time.(  


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