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     篇一:《在读证明模板 中英文对照》   在 读 证 明   兹证明xxx,女,xxx人,山西农业大学,xxx学院,xxx专业xxx班学生,学生证号xxx.该生是我院2020届应届毕业生,将于2020年7月毕业。   特此证明。   山西农业大学资源环境学院   2020年11月30日   Shanxi Agricultural University   Students Status Certificate   This is to certify that xxx, female, born on xxx in xxx, has been enrolled as an undergraduate student majoring in the program of xxx in School of xxx, Shanxi Agricultural University. It is a full-time, four-year program leading to a Bachelor’s Degree. Her student number is xxx. She is expected to graduate in July, 201   School of resources and environment   Shanxi Agricultural University   Date: November 30, 2020   篇二:《在校证明,中英文版本,出国留学用》   Beijing Jiaotong University   在校证明   姓名XX,性别男,出生日期XXXX年 X 月X 日,学号XXXXX 于 2007年9 月入我校土木建筑工程学院土木工程专业本科学习,按国家标准该专业本科的学制为4年。我校实行弹性学习年限,在校学习期限为4至6年。该生现为大学四年级学生。   特此证明。   北京交通大学教务处 2010年9月16日   Beijing Jiaotong University{在读证明英文模板}.   Certificate   This is to certify that XXXX, male, born on 9 August 1990, student ID number XXXX, has been enrolled as an undergraduate student majoring in the program of Civil Engineering in School of Civil Engineering since September 200 The program is a standard four-year program. According to the flexibility policy of Beijing Jiaotong University, the program can be accomplished in three years to six years. The student is currently studying in the fourth year.   Academic Affairs Office   Beijing Jiaotong University   People's Republic of China   September 16th, 2010   篇三:《本科生在读证明中英文模板(西北工业大学)》   127 Youyi Xilu,Xi’an 710072   Shaanxi Province   P.R.China   证 明   姓名,性别, 1990年4月9日生,陕西西安人。入学年份年入学我校 学院名称 专业名称 专业。如果课程成绩及各教学环节合格,将于毕业年份年7月毕业并发放毕业证书,授予 授予学位门类 学士学位。   CERTIFICATE   This is to certify that 姓名(出生日期) a junior student at Northwestern Polytechnical University, has studied in the School of 学院名称 Majoring in 专业名称 since September 200 If everything goes well, he will be awarded the Certificate of graduation and admitted to the Degree of Bachel


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