精选优1A Unit 7 My family 教学设计.doc

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第 PAGE 页码 页码页 / 总共 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数页 1A Unit 7 My family 教学设计 设计理念:一年级小朋友好动,很难长时间坐得端端正正,因此在教学中要设计一些活动,保持学生的持久兴趣。本课是关于教学家庭成员的几个单词,内容贴近学生的实际生活,学生兴趣肯定浓厚。设计时我让学生带好照片,一些生活用品,上课时让学生自己来演一演,说一说,其它同学猜一猜。还通过唱歌的形式巩固本课的几个单词。教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会认单词father、mother、brother、sister、me2、能用this is my …来介绍自己的家庭成员。教学重点目标1、2教学难点:this is me .教学准备:实物投影、录音机、手指套、全家福照片、卡片、领带、一根丝巾、香烟、口红、镜子教学过程:一、warm up1、greeting t: good morning. hello,** this is **. how are you? how old are you?2、listen and do. raise your hand. wave your hand. put it down. show me your pen/ ruler/ pencil/book. touch your nose/ mouth/ eye/ ear/ face/hand/3、free talk t: now, please introduce your body. this is my……让学生介绍自己的身体部位。(设计意图:这里让学生用this is my ….主要是为了下面让学生用这一句型来练说本课的几个新单词。)二、presentationt: today, we’ll learn unit 7(贴在黑板上) ss read itt show the family photo: now, boys and girls, look, what is this? this is my family photo. look, my father, my mother and me . this is my family.用手圈一下。教my family.由慢到快。ss read one by one(一)teach: father, mother, me(1)老师出示自己的全家照自问自答:look, guess who is he? s: father. (给予学生适当的奖励)t: yes. this is my father。 t show the card : father 贴于bb, 领读几遍,注意th 的发音。ss read : father, father ,my father (一小组传卡片挨个读; 一组一组读,) t 出示句型卡片this is my ……: who can read it?s: readt手指自己的照片:this is my father. can you introduce your father? 学生手指着照片练说。t: if you can, please stand up. one, two.ss say : this is my father.(2)教师指着自己父亲的照片问:this is my father. is this my father? s: no. (若学生能说出mother, 则给予奖励) t: this is my mother. 出示卡片mother 贴于bb上,领读。 ss read: mother, mother, my mother. (分四组整体读)t: can you point and say: my mother, your mother?ss: my mother, your mother.t: now, please introduce your mother。再让学生手指照片练说: this is my mother, this is your mother.(设计意图:老师出示自己的全家福照片更容易引起学生的好奇心,激起说的欲望,让学生区分my和your, 巩固这一句型。) 设计理念:一年级小朋友好动,很难长时间坐得端端正正,因此在教学中要设计一些活动,保持学生的持久兴趣。本课是关于教学家庭成员的几个单词,内容贴近学生的实际生活,学生兴趣肯定浓厚。设计时我让学生带好照片,一些生活用品,上课时让学生自己来演一演,说一说,其它同学猜一猜。还通过唱歌的形式巩固本课的几个单词。教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会认单词father、mothe


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