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倍数表示法+动词时态、语态中 的译者主体性 期末考试题型 I Multiple Choice(30 points, 1 points for each) Directions: This part consists of 30 sentences, each followed by two or four different versions marked A,b, C and d. choose the one that you think is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness II. Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese (40 points) lIl Directions: translate the following sentences into English. 30 points 表示A是B的两倍,汉语通常说“A是B的两 倍”或者“A比B大/多/增长/涨了一倍,增 加了百分之一百或翻了一番”,在英语中通常 有三种表达法: 1.Ais+ twice/ two times+as+形容词+asB, 例如 这座山的高度是那座山的两倍 This mountain is twice/two times as high as that one ·2)本地区每公顷的水稻产量是那地区的两倍。 The per-hectare yield of rice in this area is twice as much as in that area 2.Ais+ twice+the+名词+ofB。如上面两句可以改 为 This mountain is twice/ two times the height of that one The per-hectare yield of rice in this area is twice the amount of that in that area 3.A+动词 double或 increase by100%。例如 3)和1990年相比,本地区的每公顷水稻产量翻了一番。 译文一: The per- hectare yield of rice in this area has doubled compared with what it was in 1990 译文二: The per-hectare yield of rice in this area has increased by 100%, compared with what it was in 1990. 二、表示A是B的三倍,汉语通常说“A是B的三倍 或者“A比B大/多/增长/涨了两倍或增加了百 分之二百”,在英语中通常有三种表达法 1. A is three times/ thrice as+形容词+as+B。例如 4)这座山是那座山的三倍高。 This mountain is three times as high as that one 5)这条街是那条街的三倍宽。 This street is three times as wide as that one 2. a is three times/ thrice+the+名词+ofB。如上面 两句也可译为: This mountain is three times the height of that one This street is three times the width of that one


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