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[ 链接写作 ] —— 完成句子 ④ (2016· 天津卷 ) 面对困难我们不能失去信心。 We should not in face of difficulties. ⑤他要是听从了我的劝告,就不会丢掉工作。 If he had followed my advice, he wouldn ' t have lose heart lost his job influence n . 影响 ( 力 ) ;势力;有影响的人 ( 事 ) vt. 影响;感化 (1)have an influence on/upon 对……施加影响 under the influence of 受……的影响 (2)influence sb.to do sth. 影响某人做某事 (3)influential adj. 有影响 ( 力 ) 的 [ 对接高考 ] —— 单句语法填空 ① (2019· 成都七中模拟 ) As everyone knows, no one can avoid (influence) by the experience of the past. ② The bad weather influenced them (finish)the task on time. ③ Watching TV for a long time has a bad influence the students. being influenced to finish on/upon ④ ( 四川卷 )In reality, different students have different learning habits, which I think are (influence) in their learning efficiency greatly. influential [ 链接写作 ] —— 一句多译 在这个音乐家的影响下,我对音乐产生了很大的兴趣。 ⑤ , I have become greatly interested in music.( 介词短语 ) ⑥ , I have become greatly interested in music.( 分词作状语 ) Under the influence of the musician Influenced by the musician mix v . 使混合;使结合;联系;融合 (1)mix...with/and... 把……与……混合 mix with sb. 与某人交往 mix up 混合;掺和;混淆 (2)mixed adj. 混杂的;混合的 mixture n . 混合物 [ 对接高考 ] —— 单句语法填空 ① (2016· 江苏卷 )Dashan, who has been learning crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix it with the Western stand - up tradition. ② She felt a (mix) of fear and excitement when mixing well the other children. ③ I have to admit that I have (mix) feelings about my new deskmate. up mixture with mixed [



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