Applied Quantum Mechanics 应用量子力学 MATLAB源程序.doc

Applied Quantum Mechanics 应用量子力学 MATLAB源程序.doc

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readme AppliedQMmatlab The computer requirements for the MATLAB language are an IBM or 100% compatible system equipped with Intel 486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium4 processor or equivalent. There should be a 8-bit or better graphics adapter and display, a minimum of 32MB RAM, and at least 50MB disk space. The operating system should be Windows95, NT4, Windows2000, or WindowsXP. If you have not already installed the MATLAB language on your computer, you will need to purchase a copy and install it on your computer. MATLAB is available from MathWorks (/). After verifying correct installation of MATLAB, download the directory AppliedQMmatlab from /9780521860963 and copy to a convenient location in your computer user directory. Launch MATLAB using the icon on the desktop or from the start menu. The MATLAB command window will appear in your computer screen. From the MATLAB command window use the path browser to set the path to the location of the AppliedQMmatlab directory. Type the name of the file you wish to execute in the MATLAB command window (do not include the '.m' extension). Press the enter key on the keyboard to run the program. You will find that some programs prompt for input from the keyboard. Most programs display results graphically with intermediate results displayed in the MATLAB command window. To edit values in a program or to edit the program itself double click on the file name to open the file editor. You should note that the computer programs in the AppliedQMmatlab directory are not optimized. They are written in a very simple way to minimize any possible confusion or sources of error. The intent is that these programs be used as an aid to the study of applied quantum mechanics. When required, integration is performed explicitly, and in the simplest way possible. However, for exercises involving matrix diagonalization use is made of special MATLAB functions. Some programs make use of the functions, chempot.m, fermi.m, mu.m, runge4.m, solve_schM.m,



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