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精品文档 关于责任的名言英文 导读: 本文是关于关于责任的名言英文的文章,如果觉得很不 错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、每个人都有其生来的责任,丢弃责任的人,是可耻的。 Everyone has his inherent responsibility. It is shameful to discard it. 2、责任者是为了背负责任而存在的。 The responsible person exists for responsibility. 3、没有比演员更幸运的人了。他们可以不负任何责任而得到荣 誉。 There is no luckier person than an actor. They can be honored without any responsibility. 4、我认为,对一切来说,只有热爱才是最好的教师,它远远胜 过责任感。 In my opinion, love is the best teacher for everything. It is far better than responsibility. 5、对恋人的每一次承诺都要放上天平,这天平的另一端放的对 社会的责任。 Every commitment to a lover should be balanced, and the other end of the scale should be socially responsible. 6、世间的人要对法律负责任。修行的人要对因果负责任。 People in the world are responsible for the law. Men of 。 1欢迎下载 精品文档 practice are responsible for cause and effect. 7、否定责任是让人不去承担责任。 Negating responsibility is not to be held accountable. 8、企业家的境界:把关爱注入大地,把责任写上天空。 The realm of entrepreneurs: inject care into the earth and write responsibility into the sky. 9、你不可能代替谁负起责任。这里好比沙漠,我们大家只能适 应沙漠。 You can't take responsibility for who you are. It's like a desert. We all have to adapt to it. 10、爱是一种责任,不爱了,也要尽到责任。 Love is a kind of responsibility. If you don't love, you should also do your duty. 11、人生来就是要担负责任的,唯一不用担负责任的只有死人。 Man is born to be responsible. The only one who is not responsible is the dead. 12、男人除了情感就剩下责任了, 但责任对一个男人来说蛮重的。 Men have responsibilities besides emotions, but responsibilities are heavy for a man. 13、我不知道什么叫做在一起,我只知道什么叫负责任。 I don't know what it meansto be together. I just know what it means to be responsible. 。


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