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摘 要 如今,ERP 系统已成为公司重要的经营管理工具。在中国加入WTO 过渡期结束 以后,国内成品油销售市场的批发和零售业务将全面开放,国内成品油市场将面临重 大挑战。随着外部市场环境的变化,需要进一步优化成品油销售企业原来的商业模式 和业务流程,以适应行业环境变化带来的发展和新业务模式下客户需求。同样,公司 原有的ERP 系统也需要更改相应的系统功能和构成结构,以匹配新的业务模型和业务 流程,来更好的支撑公司战略发展需要。 本论文将首先根据国际、国内市场环境变化、企业竞争和客户需求(3C )的改变, 来优化石油销售企业的商业模式,对其主要业务流程进行评价研究,然后分析成功建 设实施ERP 系统项目的关键因素,并对石油销售企业应用的ERP 系统的主要功能和 业务结构进行规划;在此基础上,建立基于提高客户满意度的,以平衡记分卡理论为 基础理论的石油销售企业ERP 系统实施研究评价指标体系,并对石油销售公司 ERP 系统实施效果进行评价研究,进一步根据研究结果提出相应改进措施,以此来提高 ERP 系统应用对石油销售公司的经营战略和业务开展的支撑力度,并最终能够提高客 户满意度,从而使石油能源行业能够更好地支撑我国经济和社会的发展。 关键字:石油销售 ERP 系统 平衡积分卡 实施效果评价 IV ABSTRACT At present, ERP system has become an important management tool for enterprises. With the end of the transition period of WTO, the wholesale and retail business of China’s refined oil market will be fully opened, and the domestic refined oil market will face a huge challenge. With the change of external environment, the petroleum sales enterprises need to further optimize their original business model and business process, in order to adapt the development of new industry environment and the need of customers for the new business model. Accordingly, the enterprise's original ERP system also needs to change its function and structure to match the new business model and business process, so as to support the enterprise's development strategy. Firstly, according to the change of domestic and international environment, competition and the need of customer (3C), this paper will focus on how to optimize the business model of petroleum sales enterprises and evaluate their main business processes, then analyze the key factors of successful implementation of ERP project, and plan the function and stru


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