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2019年江西省萍乡市胜利中学高三英语上学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded ____ other more well-informed experiments failed. ???????? A.which?????? ?????? B.that ??????????????????????? C.what???? ????????????? D.where ? 参考答案: D 2. ______ weather it is! A How fine a? B What a fine? C How fine D. What fine 参考答案: D 略 3. He has gone to _________ UK for further study, hoping to find _________ job related to English. ??? A. an; a????????? B. the; a?????????? ?C. a; the????????? ??D. the; the 参考答案: B 略 4. —— You can take a walk daily if you want to keep healthy. —— ____________. ???? A. Yes, that's enough??????????? ?????????????? B. Thanks for your advice ???? C. I like surfing the Internet??? D. Well, that's OK 参考答案: B 5. Hearing the telephone ring, she rushed out of the kitchen and left the water ??? . A. boil??? B. boiling C. boiled??? D. to boil 参考答案: B 【详解】 考查现在分词作宾语补足语。句意:听到电话铃响,她冲出厨房,让水开着。leave +宾语+doing sth.“使---处于某种状态,”此处是现在分词作宾语补足语,表示正在进行,故选B。 ? 6. What was so ______ about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed. A. awful???????? B. essential C. impressive D. obvious 参考答案: C 试题分析:考查形容词的辨析。句意:“关于Jasmine Westland的胜利我们印象很深的就是她光脚获得了马拉松的第一。” awful表示“可怕的,敬畏的”;essential为“根本的”;impressive是“印象深刻的”而obvious是“明显的”意思,故选C。 7. The young couple reached their house in the evening and found that someone _____ into the house during the day. A. broke???? ?????????? B. had broken ????? C. has broken ????? D. was breaking 参考答案: B 8. The first African-American president of the United States received a(n) _____ welcome in the African countries, where he was received as a returning son. ??? A.romantic?????? ? B.bureaucratic??? C.enthusiastic??? D.optimistic 参考答案: D 9. —What about the two of us going downtown ? — ______. I hate spending time hanging around. A. That suits me fine??? B. Why not C. It depends on the weather??? D. Well, that’s the last thing I will do 参考答案: D 【详解】 考查情景对话。句意:——我们俩去市中心怎


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