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精选资料,欢迎下载 精选资料,欢迎下载 定语从句 I will never forget the day I joined the League. September 18, 1931 is the day we 'll never forget. I remember the day we first came to the college. I remember the day I first met on. This is the factory we visited last year. Is this the factory your father works? This is the best factory I have visited all my life. Is this the factory colour TV sets are produced ? Who is the man was there? Who is the man you just shook hands with? Do you know the man we are talking to ? The man is speaking at the meeting is an advanced worker. That was the reason Mac refused to speak at the meeting. Do you know the reason Mac was late for school. That was the reason Mac gave me the other day. That was the reason Mac refused to speak for at the meeting. Have you found the woman purse was lost. Where is the window glass is broken? The book, the cover is broken, is not mine. I don 't like the way you laugh at her. 13.This is the biggest lab we have ever built in our university. 14.Is oxygen the only gas helps fire burn? 16.This is the museum we saw an exhibition the other day. 18.This is the museum you saw the other day. We often think of the days we spent together on the island. Have you ever been to Shanghai, I left ten years ago? He has left Beijing, a meeting is to be held. This is the very place I ' m wishing to live in. 25.Is it in that factory ”Red Flag” cars are made? 26.I have bought the same dress she is wearing. 句型 38:定语从句 我有一个喜欢古典音乐的朋友 昨天他穿着我给他买的外套。 我在看一本不太难的书。 腿伤了的那个人过去是个足球运动员。 我认识文章发表了的那个学生 杭州是我去年夏天去的地方。 我将要回到我长大的那个地方。 他看过教授谈到的那本书。 那个老人记得毛主席去世的那一天。 我不能忘记我们一起度过的那些快乐的日子。 皮特高兴的原因是他通过了考试 l) 他不能上大学的原因是他的分数太低。 m) 王美是众多拥有手机的年轻人之一。 n) 昨天我们去参观了那位伟大作家过去住过的房子。 o) 我的父亲出生在第二次世界大战爆发的那年。 p) 我永远也忘不了我第一次在机场接你的那一天。 q) 昆明是一个美丽的城市,那儿花草到处可见。 一、把下列每对句子合并成含有定语从句的主从复合句: The fan is on the desk. You want it. The man is in the next room. He brought our textbooks here yesterday. The magazine is mine. He has taken it away. The


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