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---Elsa: Ok, I know the problem. So what did you say? ---Lynn: I got very angry and shouted at him. I said, you never care about me but only your work! And then, I went to my own room, and turned on TV. A few minutes later, my mother came in and said she wanted to talk to me. 优选 * ---Elsa: Did you have a good talk? ---Tom: No! I was watching a movie while she was talking. She became angry and said that I should look at her and listen carefully when she talk to me. ---Elsa: What did you say? ---Tom: I said nothing but turned off TV and went out. It is so difficult to deal with my parents! 优选 * 优选 * 优选 * 从人的发展角度看文化 不一定有必要去区分中国文化与 “西方”文化的区别。从文化素养的角度,最基本的是教给学生作为一个人来说,最应该具备什么样的文化修养与品质、基本的文明礼仪与美德。 教给学生茶道,如何做中国结、包饺子、弹扬琴,并不一定就能使他/她成为一个具有文明礼仪行为与美德,能与人健康交往的人。 优选 * 认识思维品质 需要学习心理学 优选 * 有三个问题需要了解: 1.有哪些思维能力需要培养及其例证; 2.通过什么任务活动能培养这些思维能力; 3. 思维品质中既有认知的、逻辑的,也有情感的、态度的,后者可以统称为“思维定式”(mindset)。 优选 * 选择基于价值观与道德观 Our thinking directly affects our life through the choices we make. These choices depend in part on our values and moral outlook. (Lau, 2011) 优选 * Cognitive therapy … cognitive therapy basically teaches people to rein in their extreme judgments and make them more reasonable. …but it does not take them out of the fixed mindset and its world of judgment. (Dweck, 2006) 优选 * 自以为是(mine is better) 抗拒变化(resistance to change) 循规蹈矩(conformity) 死要面子(face-saving) 僵化偏见(stereotyping) Ruggiero(1998,2012) 评判性思维能力取决于习惯和品格 优选 * Mine is better Egocentric people 自我为中心的人 -- Egocentric means centered or focused on oneself and interested only in one’s own interests, needs, and views. Ethnocentric people 族群优越感的人 -- Ethnocentric means excessively centered or focused one’s group. 优选 * Egocentric people 自我为中心的人 Because the perspective of egocentric is very limited, egocentric people have difficulty seei


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