本州岛自然环境特征 对日本经济的影响研究.docxVIP

本州岛自然环境特征 对日本经济的影响研究.docx

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本州岛自然环境特征对日本经济的影响研究 摘要 日本位于亚欧大陆东部、太平洋西北部,由本州、四国、九州、北海道四个大岛及6900多个小岛组成的东亚群岛国家。本州是日本最大的一个岛,位于日本列岛的中部,向北它与北海道岛隔津轻海峡相望,向南它与四国岛隔濑户内海相对,向西南它与九州岛隔关门海峡和丰后水道。本州岛被认为是日本最早开发的地区之一,是大和民族的摇篮和日本文化的发祥地。本州岛也成为日本近代化工业发展的前驱,孕育了日本最早的工业文明。明治维新以来,日本军国主义野心迅速澎胀,对外疯狂发动侵略战争,使整个日本在世界大战中受到重创,但日本迅速崛起,使日本成为世界上经济大国之一的进程中,本州岛成为日本经济调整增长的发动机,所以本州岛的自然环境和人文环境有着其特殊的特征,将本州岛的自然环境作为本研究的切入点,研究其对日本经济的影响。 关键词:日本地理;本州岛;自然环境;经济影响 ABSTRACT Japan in the east , the Pacific Northwest Eurasian continent , East Asian archipelago nation of Honshu , Shikoku , Kyushu , Hokkaido four large islands and more than 6,900 islets . Honshu , Japan's largest island , is located in the middle of the Japanese archipelago , the island of Hokkaido across the north it across the Tsugaru Strait , to the south it Shikoku across the Seto Inland Sea island opposite the southwest island of Kyushu across the Kanmon Strait with its abundance after the waterway. Honshu Island, Japan is considered one of the earliest development of the region , the cradle is large and the nation and the birthplace of Japanese culture . Honshu Island, Japan has become the precursor of the modern chemical industry development , gave birth to Japan's first industrial civilization . Since the Meiji Restoration , Japan's militaristic ambitions quickly Peng expansion , foreign crazy war of aggression , so that the whole of Japan has been hit hard in the World War , but the rapid rise in Japan , making Japan one of the world's major economies process in Japan's Honshu Island growth engine of economic adjustment , so Honshu natural and human environment has its special characteristics , the natural environment of the island of Honshu as the entry point of the study , to study its impact on the Japanese economy. Key words:Japan's geography; Honshu Island;the natural environment;economic impact    目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘要 2 关键词 2 序言 4 1研究综述 6 2日本地理概况 6 2.1日本地理位置 6 2.2日本自然环境 7 2.3日本自然资源 7 2.4日本的气候 8 3.本州岛地理特征 8 3.1 本州岛地理位置 8


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