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幼儿园六一中英文节目串词 各位来宾,各位家长 亲爱的小朋友们 合:大家好 和煦的春风,诱人的花香 喜悦的笑脸,激动的胸膛 这一切都在提醒着我们, “六一”国际来到了 “六一”是孩子们的天堂, “六一‘将令你心花怒放; “六一”是你的期望, “六一”可以激情奔放。 今天,在这个快乐的日子里,我们幼儿园全体师生和各位家长相聚在一起,共同庆祝XX“六一”国际儿童节的到来! 我们的老师和孩子们要用最美的舞姿,为这个的节日增光添彩! 在孩子们表演节目之前,让我们首先用热烈的掌声,欢迎尊敬的李园长讲话。 感谢李园长热情洋溢的讲话。下面我宣布XX年庆六一文艺演出现在开始。 all parents, ladies and gentlemen dear children match: hello vernal spring breeze, attractive blossom joy of smiling face, excited in the chest all this reminding us, "61" the international children's day arrived "61" is the children's heaven, "61" will you be elated; "61" is your expectations, "61" can passion bold and unrestrained. today, in the happy days, we kindergarten all teachers and students and to the parents to get together to celebrate XX "61" the arrival of the children's day! our teachers and children to use the most beautiful dance, for this festival honors! in the children show, let us first before with warm applause, wele to talk of the liyuan long respected. thank liyuan long fiery speech. below i announced that XX celebrates 61 art performance starts right now. 今天的幼苗,明天就会成为国家的栋梁之才。亲爱的小朋友,今天属于你们,快乐属于你们,未来也属于你们。让歌声与微笑同在,祝福语快乐同在。让美丽的梦想从这里起航。 在今后的日子里,我们绝不辜负各界领导和家长的期望,不辜负家长的信赖,我们会做得更好! 最后祝大家身体健康,万事如意。今天的演出到此结束,让我们明年六一再相会。 today's seedling, tomorrow will be national pillars just. dear children, today belongs to you, happy belong to you, the future also belong to you. let singing and smile always, messages happy. amen. let the beautiful dream set sail from here. in the next days, we will live up to what everyone's expectations, not live up to their parents trust, we will do better! finally i wish you healthy body, all the luck. the performance today to this end, let us meet next six repeatedly.


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