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2019年湖南省株洲市会文中学高二英语上学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. ?? ?, I wouldn’t refuse his invitation. ?? ? A. Were I you??????????? ????????????????????? B. If I should be you ?? ? C. If I am you??????????? ????????????????????? D. If I had been you 参考答案: A 2. I walked slowly through the market, where people ???????all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed. A. sell??????????????????????????????????? B. were selling????????? C. had sold?????????????????????????? D. have sold 参考答案: B 3. The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, ________ they have the interest. A. wherever???? B. whenever???? C. as if?????? D. even if 参考答案: D 4. It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they __ for me. ? A. had done??????? B. did??????????? C. would do???????? D. were doing 参考答案: A 5. ?______ the red switch on the left and the flying machine will swiftly go up into the air and _____ its journey. ??? A. Pressing; begins?? B. Press; begin C. Pressed; begins? ??D. To press; to begin 参考答案: B 6. _______ in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end. A. Being settled??? B. Settled???? C. Settling???? D. Having settled 参考答案: B 7. The story is so amusing that it kept the children laughing for minutes______ A. by accident??? B. in particular?? C. on end??? D . on purpose . 参考答案: C 8. The village members_____ firecrackers to celebrate the successful completion of the school. A. set out????? B. set off????? C. set down??? D. set up 参考答案: B 9. Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother _______to swim. ??? A.? how will it learn??????????????????? B. will it learn how ??? C.? it will learn how??????????????????? D. and it learns how 参考答案: B 10. They were __________ admision to the military exhibition because they were foreigners. A. denied B. declined C. deprived D. rejected 参考答案: A 略 11. _____you were born? A. Was it where that??????? B. Where was it that??? C. It was where tha


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