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大学英语自学教程上册题后 unit2 答案 Exercises for the Text A I 阅读理解 1.A 2. C 3.A 4. A 5.C II 根据课文完成下列定 1. a certain percentage of the salaries paid to the federal or the state government by salaried people who earn more than a few thousand dollars . 2.that the percentage of the tax increas as a persons income in-creases . 相信我没错的 .因为我也正在自学英语教程上册 3.people who own a home have to pay taxes on it . 4. the tax charged on cars in a city . 5. a percentage of money charged to any item which you buy in that state . III 选择适当的词或短语填空 . 1.due 2.depends on 3.diverse 4.consisted of 5.similar 6.tends to 7.complaining about 8.In addition to 9.issue 10.agree on IV 从课文中找出合适的动词重新组织下列各句 . 1.How mach do you charge for a haircut ? 2.We are trying to raise funds for the Red Cross . 3.He earned a good reputation for honesty . 4.We pay taxes in exchange for goverment services . 5.An open letter protested the government s foreign policy. V 把下列句子译成英语 . 1.Paying tax is the duty to every citizen . 2.Americans often say that there are two things they can be sure of in life . 3.There are three levels of government in the United States ; there -fore ,there are three types of taxes . 4.Some states have an income tax in addition to sales tax . 5.Americans complain that taxes are too high and that the government uses their tax dollars in the wrong way . Vocabulary Exercises . I 选择所给单词的适当形式填空 !注意其词性 . 1. a.percent b.percentage c.percent 2. a .adds b . addition c .additional . 3. a. confused b. confusing c. confusion 4.a. complained b .complain c. complaint II 用下列单词的适当形式填空 1.charge 2.department 3.due .4.diverse 5.earns 6.vary 7.property 8.leading 9.fund 10.tends



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