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摘 要 嵇康是魏晋风流的代表人物,嵇康形象的形成不是自然的产物,而是植根于 中华美学和中国古典哲学的结果。嵇康也由此成为千百年来文人们关注的焦点, 并且深深地影响了中国文人的创作心态。研究嵇康,无疑有利于揭示中华美学的 发生机制,并进而分析魏晋名士形象对后世产生深远影响的根源所在。 文章总共分为五个部分:第一部分讨论魏晋世族文化中的名士风流的形成, 指出魏晋风流作为一种审美范式的重要历史意义。第二部分讨论魏晋风流中的嵇 康形象的自我建构,主要涉及到嵇康的健美的身体的外在形象和感物化生的内在 生命旋律两个维度。第三部分讨论魏晋风流中嵇康形象的他者建构,主要涉及嵇 康以外的竹林名士、西晋名士、东晋名士对于嵇康形象的建构。第四部分讨论嵇 康形象的美学意蕴,包括懒散中的自由实践、狂狷中的独立人格、任情中的闲适 逍遥三个层次。第五部分讨论嵇康形象的后世影响和当代意义,主要包括嵇康形 象对南北朝时期、唐宋到明清时期、民国时期的影响,以及其对于当下的意义。 总体而言,嵇康在冲破世俗束缚的过程中展现了生命力,彰显了魏晋风流的 艺术魅力。嵇康在自由和逍遥中展现了个体的价值并且突出了生命之美。嵇康的 生存方式无疑是审美的,嵇康形象指引着人们超越现实、追求艺术的人生。对嵇 康形象的自我建构及其历史建构的研究,将深化魏晋的思想潮流和文学艺术的研 究,并有助于形成具有中国特色的独创性的美学和文论话语。 关键词: 魏晋风流;嵇康形象;自由逍遥;生命美学;后世影响 I Abstract Ji Kang played an important role in the Wei Jin Feng Liu. It was the Chinese Aesthetics and philosophy that made Ji Kang succeed. People paid attention to the image of Ji Kang and they learned how to live and write. We also focus on the image of Ji Kang. We want to know that how the Chinese Aesthetics works. We want to know the important influence of the famous people in the Wei Jin dynasty. This paper has five parts. We talk about the culture of the Wei Jin dynasty and the taste of the Wei Jin Feng Liu. The Wei Jin Feng Liu was a standard of aesthetics and it had great influence in the history. This is the first part. Ji Kang appraised himself in the Wei Jin Feng Liu. It took an important role in the image of Ji Kang. Ji Kang had heathy body externally. Ji Kang inherently had great feelings in his life. This is the second part. Other people, like the famous people in the bamboo grove in the Wei Jin dynasty and the famous people in the Eastern Jin dynasty and the Western Jin dynasty, talked about the image of Ji Kang in the Wei Jin Feng Liu. This is the third part. We learn more abo


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