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外研社新标准小学英语三年级起点五年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 There are forty. 三明市三元区长安小学 何敏珠 本课是外研版小学英语三年级起 第五册 module5 第二单元,教学本课 之前学生已经在第一单元学习了 “ There are ” 这一句型,本课的主要 目的是让学生继续巩固 There are 这一句型,学习英文数字整十数的 表达,并能够将所学知识应用到实 际生活中 。 Revision Listen and chant . Numbers are having a party. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety. All of them are dancing happily. Match . twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety Let's count . ten twenty thirty forty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety ten 10 twenty 20 thir teen 13 four teen 14 fif teen 15 eigh teen 18 six teen 16 seven teen 17 nine teen 19 “十几”的后缀是 teen “几十”的后缀是 ty thir ty 30 for ty 40 fif ty 50 eigh ty 80 six ty 60 seven ty 70 nine ty 90 15+15= 46+24= 30 70 11+29= 4 0 27+23= 14+46= 50 60 Do the math. 17+3= 20 thirty There are thirty dogs in the picture. forty There are forty oranges in the picture. How many people are there in Liu Xing's family? . There are five people Look and say


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