《Story time课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点五年级上册17025..ppt

《Story time课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点五年级上册17025..ppt

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Look! I’m milking the zebra now. The zebra is black and white. It has four long legs. The porcupine(豪猪) has long prickles. The mongoose (猫鼬) has a long tail. It has small ears and four legs. Animals are my family members. Animals have love and feelings. Africa is my hometown.(故乡) Animals are our good friends. Let’s introduce our animal friends 介绍我们的动物朋友 Tippi有很多动物朋友,假如你是Tippi, 介绍一个你的动物朋友给我们认识吧! 可以选择和同伴共同介绍,也可以自己单独介绍。 可以参考作业纸上的提示哦! 可以选择和同伴共同介绍,也可以自己单独介绍。 可以参考作业纸上的提示哦! I have an animal friend. It is… It has… It can… My animal friend is… I have two animal friends. They are… They have… They can… My animal friends are… 单数 复数 big/small arms a mouth colour a nose a tail eyes … a body ears legs wings name long/short big/small long/short big/small long/short black/white/… long/short big/ small big/ small big/small long/short Animals are our friends. Please take good care of them. 动物是我们的朋友,请好好爱护它们。 Homework 1有感情地朗读课文。 2.用英语向爸爸妈妈和小伙伴们介绍一位动物朋友或谈谈Tippi的动物朋友. I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. study body box 你结合图片,猜测下面单词的意思吗? car arm park I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. 你结合图片,猜测下面单词的意思吗? 提示:arm与leg对应 它们既没有腿,也没有手臂。 Let’s talk! What animal friends can you see? What colour? What can they do? 为什么它们具有这些能力? 想一想,填一填. The bird can fly. It has_____. The dog can run. It has_____. The fish can swim. They have_____. tails legs wings tails legs (let) wings (sing) Let’s chant! 你可以尝试说一说吗? I have an animal friend. It is a /an... It is black. It has legs/wings/a tail/… It can run/fly/swim/... Do you have an animal friend? Our topic: Our animal friends Our friends are talking about their animal friends,too. Who are they? . Nancy 他们的动物朋友是谁呢? 猜一猜。 Let’s guess! It has red eyes and long ears. It has a big mout


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