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2020年安徽省宣城市私立阳光中学高一英语月考试题 一、 选择题 1. _________about the application of the strategy(策略), most teenagers are interested in the novel _________the Second World War. A. Concerned, concerned??? B. Concerning, concerning C. Concerned, concerning??? D. Concerning, concerned 参考答案: C 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。concern关心,牵挂;be concerned about对---牵挂。句意:多数青少年对英雄爱的故事关心,他们对关于二战的小说感兴趣。根据句意可知第一空填Concerned;第二空novel和concern之间是主动关系,用现在分词作定语。故选C。 【知识拓展】 固定短语 be worried about 为---担忧;be concerned about对---牵挂;be anxious about 对---焦虑;be curious about 对---好奇;be upset about对---烦恼。 考点:考查非谓语动词 2. — Why are you taking these magazines with you, Rose? — ????? time on the long and boring train journey. A. Kill B. Killing C. To kill D. Killed 参考答案: C 3. The story was so touching that I could hardly _________ my tears. A. take in?? B. hold back?? C. put out?? D. cut down 参考答案: B 4. It isn’t quite????? that the director will be present at the meeting tomorrow. ?? A. sure????????? B. right????????? C. certain???????? D. exact 参考答案: C 5. Friendship?can’t?be?________in?terms?of?money?but?money?is?an?effective?means?to______?how?strong?the?friendship?is.? A.measured;?test?? B.weighed;?weigh??? C.measured;?measure?? D.tested;?measure? 参考答案: A 第一空填measure“衡量”,第二空填test是“考验”句意是:友谊不能用钱来衡量,但钱是有效的检验友谊有多牢固的方法。选A。 6. Wallace and Darwin didn’t agree _____different forms of life had begun A. with the person whose???????????????????????????? B. on the way in which C. on the way which??????????????????????????????????? D. to the plan to which 参考答案: B 解析:解本题的关键是正确理解句意并理清定语从句的结构。从句意看,应该使用agree on,取“在……取得一致意见”之意。如果选C项,which在定语从句中作begin的宾语,定语从句可以改成Different forms of life had begun the way.很明显这是错误的。故选B。 7. The jacket was ______ from 50 dollars ______ 33 dollars. A. volunteered; for ????????????????? ??????????????B. switched; on??? C. complained; about???????????????? ???? ??D. reduced; to 参考答案: D 8. My plane ____ at 9:00, so I have to arrive at the airport before 8:30. A. would take off?? B. is taking off?? C. took


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