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XX年程序员英文简历范文 要一页纸之内;不要太挤太满,但也不要太空太稀,字号要在10-12之间(12略大,假如内容略少而扩成一页纸的话可以采用),最好用暗格排版,即用word看出来有格子,但是转成pdf或打印出来后没格子的。这样比较利于对齐。但不要用黑格、黑线条之类再进行分栏,这样看起来很不惬意。 Male 22 years old Fujian, Education: bachelor degree Working lives: within 1 year Expected salary: negotiable Working location: fuzhou - fuqing - there is no limit Objective: software engineer | | tutor for web design/production | website editor Strong interpersonal munication skills Strong learning ability Have affinity The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Sunshine is bright Be good at innovation Graduated in June xx Quanzhou normal college puter software C # : skilled experience: 2 years PHP: skilled experience: 1 year Java: general experience: 1 year Photoshop: general experience: 1 year Name of the certificate: certificate of national puter software Issued by time: July xx issuing authority: industrialization of industry and information department of the People's Republic of China Love psychology, love photography, love programming. Female 24 years old, Education: bachelor degree Working lives: fresh graduates Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan Working location: fuzhou - there is no limit Objective: other software/Inter development Fujian engineering college puter science and technology in school today In November xx - December xx personal blog / training contents of project: as a graduation design project by oneself and the other three partners do one for the game, teaching and munication of a personal blog platform. In January xx - February xx business city background project/training content: which shopping mall and both require a background to manage data. It USES ThinkPHP framework, the application of MVC, implemented in a wamp environment


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