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1.中国外汇储备结束12个月连涨 较上月降270亿美元 China's foreign exchange reserves ended a 12-month run of gains, down $27 billion from the previous month. 中国人民银行7日公布的最新外汇储备规模数据显示,截至2月末,中国外汇储备规模为31345亿美元,较1月末下降270亿美元,降幅为0.85%。此前,中国外汇储备已经连续12个月上涨,从2017年1月末的逾2.99万亿美元,一路升至2018年1月末的3.16万亿美元。 中国国家外汇管理局有关负责人当天就此回答记者提问时表示,2月,中国跨境资金流动和境内外主体交易行为总体平稳,外汇市场供求延续基本平衡格局。国际金融市场波动性上升,汇率及资产价格出现调整,主要非美元货币相对美元下跌和资产价格回调等因素共同作用,外汇储备规模小幅下降。这位负责人称,当前,中国经济保持中高速增长,供给侧结构性改革扎实推进,经济运行呈现出增长与质量、结构、效益相得益彰的良好局面。中国跨境资金双向流动、总体平衡的发展趋势已初步形成。 According to the latest foreign exchange reserve scale data released by the People's Bank of China on the 7th, as of the end of February, the size of China’s foreign exchange reserves was 3.1345 trillion U.S. dollars, a decrease of 27 billion U.S. dollars from the end of January, a decrease of 0.85%. Earlier, China’s foreign exchange reserves have risen for 12 consecutive months, rising from more than 2.99 trillion US dollars at the end of January 2017 to 3.16 trillion US dollars at the end of January 2018. ?? The person in charge of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of the People's Republic of China said the same day when he answered a reporter’s question. In February, China’s cross-border capital flows and domestic and foreign entities’ transactions were generally stable, and the supply and demand in the foreign exchange market continued to be basically balanced. The volatility of the international financial market has risen, and the exchange rate and asset prices have been adjusted. The major non-US dollar currencies have been working against factors such as the decline of the US dollar and the correction of asset prices. The scale of foreign exchange reserves has declined slightly. The person in charge said that at present, China’s economy has maintained a medium-to-high-speed growth, structural reforms on the supply side have been steadily advanced, and economic operations have shown a good situation in which growth, quality, structure, and benefits complement eac


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