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PAGE PAGE I 油缸前管座加工工艺规程与三维翻转式钻模设计 摘 要 本次设计内容涉及了机械制造工艺及机床夹具设计、金属切削机床、公差配合与测量等多方面的知识。 油缸前管座零件的工艺规程及其钻不向方向孔系的工装夹具,包括零件加工的工艺设计、工序设计以及专用夹具的设计三部分。在工艺设计中要首先对零件进行分析,了解零件的工艺再设计出毛坯的结构,并选择好零件的加工基准,设计出零件的工艺路线;接着对零件各个工步的工序进行尺寸计算,关键是决定出各个工序的工艺装备及切削用量;然后进行专用夹具的设计,选择设计出夹具的各个组成部件,如定位元件、夹紧元件、引导元件、夹具体与机床的连接部件以及其它部件;计算出夹具定位时产生的定位误差,分析夹具结构的合理性与不足之处,并在以后设计中注意改进。 关键词:油缸前管座、夹具、工艺设计 Abstract The design content of the mechanical manufacturing technology and machine tool fixture design, metal cutting machine tool, tolerance matching and measurement of aspects of knowledge. Before the oil cylinder tube parts of the process planning and not to the direction of the holes in the department of jigs and fixtures, including parts processing process design, process design and special fixture design three parts.Should first analyze the parts in the process design, understand parts of technology to design the structure of blank, and choose the good parts processing benchmark, design process of the parts;Then the parts size of each work step of the process, the key is to determine the process equipment for each process and cutting parameter;For the design of special fixture, then select design out of the component parts of the fixture, such as the positioning device, clamping device, led components, specific connection with machine parts and other parts;Calculated at the exit of fixture locating position error, analysis the rationality of the fixture structure and deficiency, and pay attention to the improvement in the later design. Key words: Oil cylinder front tube seat, fixture, process design 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 17728 摘 要 I 1790 Abstract II 20069 第1章 绪论 1 23099 1.1引言 1 14534 1.2研究方法及技术路线 1 24180 第2章 工艺规程设计 3 4909 2.1毛坯的制造形式 3 1702 2. 2零件分析 3 11904 2.3 基面的选择 3 19094 2.3.1 粗基准的选择原则 3 11285 2.3.2精基准选择的原则 4 21569 2.4制定工艺路线 4 27637 2.5 确定各工序的加工余量 5 20895 2.6确定切削用量及基本工时 5 16896 第3章 钻床夹具 44 21940 3.1 工件自由度分析 44 20802 3.2 切削力和夹紧力 44 19210 3.3定位误差计算 44


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