The Truth About Lying 关于说谎的真相 朱迪斯.docVIP

The Truth About Lying 关于说谎的真相 朱迪斯.doc

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The Truth About Lying 关于说谎的真相 朱迪斯维奥斯特 1.Ive been wanting to write on a subject that intrigues and challenges me the subject of lying. Ive found it very difficult to do. Everyone Ive talked to has a quite intense and personal but often rather intolerant point of view about what we can and can never never tell lies about. Ive finally reached the conclusion that I cant present any ultimate conclusions, for too many people would promptly disagree. Instead, Id like to present a series of moral puzzles, all concerned with lying. Ill tell you what I think about them. Do you agree? 我一直想写一个令我深感兴趣的话题:关于说谎的问题。我觉得这个题目很难写。所有我交谈过的人都对什么事情可以说谎—— 什么事情绝对不可以说谎—— 持有强烈的、常常不容别人分说的个人意见。最后我得出结论,我不能下任何定论,因为这样做就会有太多的人立即反对。我想我还是提出若干都与说谎有关的道义上的难题吧。我将向读者阐明我对这些难题的个人看法。你们觉得对吗? Social Lies社交性谎言 2.Most of the people Ive talked with say that they find social lying acceptable and necessary. They think its the civilized way for folks to behave. Without these little white lies, they say, our relationships would be short and nasty. Its arrogant, they say, to insist on being so incorruptible and so brave that you cause other people unnecessary embarrassment or pain by compulsively presenting them with your honesty. I basically agree. What about you? 和我交谈过的大多数人都说,他们认为旨在促进社会交际的谎言是可以接受的??也是必要的。他们认为这是一种文明的行为。他们说,要不是这类无关紧要的谎言,人与人之间的关系就会变得粗野不快,无法持久。他们说,如果你要做到十二分正直、十二分无畏,不由自主地用你的诚实使他人陷入不必要的窘境或痛苦之中,这只能说你是傲慢自大。对此,我基本赞同。你呢? 3.Will you say to people, when it simply isnt true, I like your new hairdo, Youre looking much better, Its so nice to see you, I had a wonderful time? 你会不会跟人说:“我喜欢你的新发型,”“你气色好多了,”“见到你真高兴,”“我玩得很尽兴,”而实际上根本不是这么回事儿。 4.Will you praise ugly presents and ugly kids? 你会不会对令人憎厌的礼物,或相貌平平的孩子称赞有加。 5.Will you decline invitations withWe’re busy that night—so sorry we can’t come,”when the truth is you’d rather stay home than dine with the So-dad-sos? 你婉辞邀请时会不会说“那天晚上我们正好没空—— 真对不起,我们不能来,”而实际上你是宁肯呆在家里也不想跟某某夫妇一起进餐。 6.And even though, as I do, you may prefer the polite evasion of You really cooked up a storm instea


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