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黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 摘 要 随着世界经济的持续发展和科学技术的突飞猛进,现代物流作为现代经济的重要 组成部分和工业化进程中最为经济合理的综合服务模式,正在全球范围内得以迅速发 展。自动化立体仓库作为现代物流系统的重要组成部分,是一种多层存放货物的高架 仓库系统,它是在不直接进行人工干预的情况下自动地存储和取出物流的系统。它是 现代工业社会发展的高科技产物,对提高生产率、降低成本有着重要意义。 本文以设计了一台能在仓库中运输、堆取货物的机械设备——双立柱式巷道堆垛 起重机,并着重分析了其升降机构、伸叉机构、行走机构等机构的工作原理,并对各 机构进行分析设计、选取与尺寸计算。内容包括:总体运动方案设计和结构分析、起 升机构的设计、伸叉机构设计、行走机构设计、机体支架设计及其他装置设计等内容。 各机构以电机的选取入手,通过对钢丝绳、卷筒、链轮链条、皮带轮皮带的工作性能 的分析设计计算与选取,从而设计合适的双立柱式巷道堆垛机起重机的机架,进而设 计一台性能完备的双立柱式巷道堆垛起重机。 关键词:双立柱;自动化仓库;巷道;物流;堆垛起重机;设计 I 黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 ABSTRACT Along with continuously develop of the science technology and world economy, modern logistics which are an important part in the modern economy and a most economic reasonable comprehensive service mode in the process of industrialization, develops quickly in the global scope. Automated three-dimensional storehouse as an important composition part in logistics, is one kind of multilayered depositingcargo high structure warehouse systems.It dose not directly carrieson the manual intervention in the situation automatically to save andto take out the system which the thing flows. It is the high techproduct out of the developmentof modern industry society, which have the vital significance to enhancetheproductivity and reduce the cost. This paper is taking designing a machine named double pillar alley Stacking Craneof engaging in piling things or transportation in storehouse. It analyses it‟s hoisting mechanism, stretch fork mechanism , walk mechanism, working principle, and it‟s aimed at each mechanism to design, select , and


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