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2014年职称英语等级考试 理工类冲刺班 主讲老师:高老师 概括大意与完成句子 、文章特点:以议论文、说明文为主 Traffic Jams—No End in Sight(无尽头的交通堵塞)(13年综合A B) Pedestrians Only(步行街)(2013年综合C) Black Holes(黑洞)(2013年理工A B) Ecosystem(生态系统)(2013年理工C) Organic Food: Why?(有机食品:为什么)(2013年卫生A B) Music Used As a Healing Therapy(疗伤良药音乐)(2013年卫 生C) 二、概括大意的解题思路与技巧 概括大意 (1)读标题,猜答案 (2)读选项,划主题词(名词短语) (3)在原文中找主题词,主题词在段落中多次出现,或在首句出现的,往往是该段的大意。 (4)读段落的开头句。 提示:文章标题包括“疾病”“现象”或“物品”的名词或名词短语,第一段常常是定义段。 Multiple Sclerosis (2012年卫生A)   1 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the patients immune(免疫的)system attacks the central nervous system. This can lead to numerous physical and mental symptoms, as the disease affects the transmission of electrical signals between the body and the brain. However, the human body, being a flexible, adaptable system, can compensate for some level of damage, so a person with MS can look and feel fine even though the disease is present. 提示:文章标题包括“疾病”“现象”或“物品”的名词或名词短语,第一段常常是定义段。 The IPad  1 The IPad is a tablet computer (平板电脑) designed(设计) and developed(开发) by Apple. It is particularly marketed as a platform for audio and visual media such as books, periodicals (期刊), movies, music, and games, as well as web content. At about 1.5 pounds (680 grams), its size and weight are between those of most contemporary smartphones and laptop computers. Apple released the IPad in April 2010, and sold 3 million of the devices in 80 days. 提示:文章标题包括“疾病”“现象”或“物品”的名词或名词短语,第一段常常是定义段。 The IPad 23、 Paragraph 2 24、 Paragraph 3 25、 Paragraph 4 26、 Paragraph 5 A Business usage (商业用途) B Differences(差异) from IPhone C Operating system (操作系统) D Online stores(网店) E Features(特点) and applications (应用) F Display(显示) and data connection (数据链接) 2 The IPad runs the same operating system as IPod Touch and IPhone. It can run its own applications as well as ones developed for IPhone. Without modification, it will only run progra


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