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应届生商务英语英文求职信范文 下面是的一篇xx应届生商务英语英文求职信范文,快来看看吧。 respect of sir/madam: thank you for reading my cover letter and resume. i study in fujian civil technical secondary school, business english majors in XX.6 month graduation. multiple times in social work, cause me to understand when you need personal defying hardships to strive, cannot escape from any, brave to face it. i have enough courage and confidence to face the challenge, plete the boss gave me each work. for career and the future, i will pursue; for failure and setbacks, i#39;ll embrace. i have enough courage and perseverance to embrace life every challenge! i dare not assert that i was the best, but please believe that i will surely is the most hard! the most active! if huina, i will take every care. stepping into the 21st century china, the petition will be more and more intense, large quantities of outstanding talented person#39;s demand, enable the human resources management talent facing severe tests and will take "strives hard took aim at will attack, firm the confidence move ahead in defiance of difficulties" continue to work hard the past does not represent the future, diligence is the real meaning, the practical work, i believe i can adapt themselves to the working environment, familiar with the business in the practical work, and keep learning, and constantly improve themselves, pletes the work. thank you! 附:简历的样式:千差万别,内容也各不相同,大多数求职者都希望把能想到的情况全部写进简历中,但我们知道没有人会愿意阅读一份长达五页的流水账般的个人简历,尤其是繁忙的人事工作者。一份完美的简历应当无论从形式、内容和用词都能恰如其分地把求职者的个人情况、能力经验和性格特长等充分表现出来,见其文如见其人,—个人才栩栩跃然纸上。从一般的经验来看,这样的简历真是凤毛麟角。偶然发现这样的简历,往往能让人眼前—亮、这里有三条写简历的重要原则: 第一条原则是要围绕—个求职目标。我们千万不要忘记雇主在寻找的是适合某一特定职位的人,这个人将是数百名应聘者中最合适的一个。雇主们都想知道你可以为他们做什么。含糊的、笼统的并毫无针对性的简历会使你失去很多机会。比如:“我想在一个不断发展的组织里得到一个高收入的职位”或者“我干什么都行”都是毫无意义的。所以,要为你的简历定位,围绕—个求职目标来写。 如果你也有多个目标,最好写上多份不同的简历,在每一份上突出重点。这将使你的简历更有机会脱颖而出。因此,如果简历的陈述没有工作和职位重点,或是把你描写成一个适合于所有职位的求职者,你很有可能将无法在任何求职竞争中胜出。


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