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摘要 当今社会的生活节奏越来越紧张,在节假日里面大家不免想一家人或者三五好友外出走一走。但是昂贵的购车的费用不是每个人都能承担得起,因此租车行业应运而生。 深蓝汽车租赁网站是典型的友好的交互式网站,它承担了企业和客户之间桥梁的重要组成部分。通过对此类型网站的深入研究调查,开发了此基于silverlight的租车系统。 本网站包含四大功能模块:选车系统、订单管理、用户管理、留言板管理。而本站十分重视的一点是页面的美观友好性,故本人特意分工出来下大力气设计面板以及用户管理模块里面的登陆注册部分。 功能方面本网站使用了Microsoft公司推出的Visual Studio 2010和silverlight4一同开发,页面方面没有依靠系统提供的简陋功能而是采用了Adobe公司家喻户晓的Photoshop CS4来作总体设计。 关键词: 租车;页面设计;Visual Studio 2010;silverlight4 Abstract Pace of life in today's society more and more tense, and the holidays there, we can not help but think a person or a few friends to go out walking. The cost of the expensive car, but not everyone can afford, so car rental industry came into being. ????????Dark blue car rental site is a typical friendly, interactive Web site, it incurred a bridge between companies and customers an important part. Through in-depth research on this type of site investigation, development of this car rental system based on silverlight. ????????This site contains four major functional modules: choose a car system, order management, user management, message exchange version. The site is very important point is that the beauty of friendly pages, so I came out a great effort to specifically design the division of labor, and user management module panel, which registered some of the landing. ????????This site uses the functions Microsoft has introduced with Visual Studio 2010 and silverlight4 development, the page does not depend on terms of primitive functions provided by the system instead of using the Adobe Photoshop CS4 to the company a household name for the overall design. ??????????? Key words:Car Rental; page design; Visual Studio 2010; silverlight4 1. 绪论 1.1 网站建设的背景和意义 1.1.1 系统开发背景 当今社会的生活节奏越来越紧张,在节假日里面,大家不免想一家人或者三五好友外出走一走。但是昂贵的购车的费用不是每个人都能承担得起。就目前社会上的状况而言,本本族的数目越来越来多,人们都意识到学习驾驶技术是现今社会的必须素质之一。但是尽管意识上去了,无奈经济上不是每家每人都有钱买一辆自己心目中的私家车。况且还有一个问题就是,并不是每个家庭的汽车使用率都十分之高,好多家庭辛辛苦苦买回来的一辆车就要付出昂贵的使用成本,在“房奴”之上不幸地盖多了“车奴”的称号。反观现在的国家政策,都在不断地抑制私家车的增长。中国确实是地大物博的国家,但是无奈的是我们的人口数量也是世界的前列。所以私家的普


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