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精品文档 What 用法小结 一,what about 与 how about 用这两个短语放在句首的简略问句 , 都可以用来表示征求意见或询问情况 . 两者可以互换 , 但 有时不能 ,what about 也有别的用法和解释 . 例如 :What about going to Harbin tomorrow =How about going to Harbin tomorrow What about the funding Where are we going to get it =How about the funding Where are we going to get it 注意 what about 有别的用法和解释 . 例如 : What about it =What shall we do What about the others(Concerning the others, what is your plan or idea 别的人怎么办 ( 至于别人 , 人有什么打算或意见 ) What about it (Tell me more precisely what you mean.) 这是怎么回事 ( 把你的意思明确的地告诉我 .) 二,what if, what of 和 what for 这三个短语的用法和含义各不相同 .What if 表示 倘若……将会怎样 即使……又有什么关 系呢 ;what of 表示 ……的情况怎样 ……又有什么重要性呢 ;what for 为何目的 为什 么 . 例如 : What if it rains while we are out 倘若我们外出遇上下雨 , 那怎么办呢 What of it 那有什么了不起呢 ( 那又怎么样呢 ) Well, and what of it (It has no importance.) 嗯, 那又怎么样呢 ( 怎么 , 那有什么了不起 ) What for did you ask that silly question Now hes going to speak for another ten minutes. 你干吗要问那个愚蠢的问题 这一来他又得说上十分钟 . What did you do that for 三,what 作 the thing that 或 as much …as 解 . What 作关系代词 , 其作用相当于 the thing 或 people that, 请比较 : =This is just the book that I have been looking forward to. The thing that I like most in her is her kindness. =What I like most in her is her kindness. The upstart is not what he was ten years ago. =The upstart is not the man that was ten years ago. 这个暴发户已经不是十年前那个人了 . 四,What 作关系形容词 , 其作用相当于 as much …as, whatever. 请比较 : She will give the sick baby what care she can. =She will give the sick baby as much care as she can. Lend me what money you have on hand. 五,What


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