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Xinjiang Xinjiang was set up as an autonomous region in Northwest China on October 1, 1955. It has an area of more than 1.66 million square kilometers Special culture folk music and dances. Historical and cultural tourism. Corban Festival (古尔邦节)is similar to Spring Festival. It means: sacrifice. Xinjiang Crafts Xinjiang dance Xinjiang Special and Famous Cuisine Xinjiang is minority inhabit a place, where gathered a lot of different kinds of ethnicminorities, most of the residentsprefer to eating meat, beef and mutton can be seen everywhere there. 烤全羊:roasted whole lamb [l?m](羊羔) 抓饭:Hand pilaf [pi‘lɑf](肉饭) The materials are fresh mutton, carrots[k?r?t] (胡萝卜), onions[‘?nj?n](洋葱), oil and rice. There are more than 10 kinds of this rice, mainly mutton,chicken and vegetarian [,ved?i’t??ri?n](素食),but the most common is the one using mutton. During festivals, funerals[fju:n?r?l](葬礼) and weddings,people would like to eat hand pilaf. 馕:Nang is a staple [steipl](主食) food for the xinjiang people, This kind of “Nang” may keep a long time, and so many visitors specially enjoy bringing back with this food. 馕是新疆人的主食,这种“馕”可久放,因此许多游客到了新疆特意带这种食品回来品尝。 烤包子 :Baked buns [b?n] (小圆面包) 馓子:Sanzi is one of traditional snacks [sn?k](点心) of the Moslems [m?zl?m] (穆斯林) 拉条子、拌面: Pulled noodles 大盘鸡: Saute [‘s?utei](炒、煸 )Spicy [‘spaisi] (辣的,香的) Chicken materials are: chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers [‘pep?](青辣椒)and so on. The most biggest plate is about 45 centimeters and is enough for 10 people. The other a variety of characteristics of food Because of its long sunshine time, the fruit of Xinjiang is Sweeter than other places, So Turpan [‘tu?’pɑ:n] (吐鲁番) grapes [ɡreip](葡萄), Hami melon [‘mel?n]?(哈密瓜) is Well-known at home and abroad [?’br?:d](国外). 大盘鸡的原料有:鸡肉、土豆、西红柿、青辣椒等。装大盘鸡的盘子,最大的有45厘米,足够10个人吃。 新疆由于其日照时间长,这里的瓜果较其他的地方都要甜,因此吐鲁番的葡萄,哈密瓜更是闻名海内外。 * XinJiang 烤羊肉串:mutton cubes roasted on a skewer 抓饭的材料有鲜羊肉,胡萝卜,洋葱,油和大米。抓饭的种类有10种以上,主要有羊肉、鸡肉和素食,但最常见的是用羊肉做抓饭。当节日、葬礼


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