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大理医学院作业答案 【篇一:大理医学院专升本各专业《大学英语2》平时 作业及答案】 2012级医学类专升本各专业《大学英语2》 课程作业一 1.课程名称:《大学英语2》 2.适用专业:大理学院成人高等教育医学类专升本各专业第二学期 unit one to unit ten 第一部分 交际用语 阅读下面的小对话,从 a、b、c、d 四个选项中选出一个能填入空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1. ---- oh, sorry to bother you. ---- ___a___. a. that ’s okay. b. no, you can ’t. c. that ’s good. d. oh, i don ’t know. 2. ---- good morning, dr johnson ’s office. can i help you? ---- __b___. a. speaking, please.b. i ’d like to make an appointment, please . c. yes, go on.d. no, you can ’t. 3. ---- we are going to have a dancing party tonight. would you like to join us?---- ___a___. a. i ’m afraid not. because i have an appointment with my dentist tonight. b. of course not. i have no idea. c. no, i can ’t. d. that ’s all set. 4. ---- excuse me. i don ’t want to interrupt you but ? ---- __c____. a. can i help you?b. certainly, how dare you. c. it ’s quite all right.d. yes, you did. 5. ---- you have lovely children. ----___d___. a. no, no, no,. they are not.b. oh, no, no. c. you ’re talking too much.d. thanks. 6. ---- can i help you with your suitcase? ----___d___. a. i have no idea.b. no, no. i can carry it myself. c. that ’s a good idea.d. thank you. i can manage myself. 7. ---- can you come over for dinner with us? ---- ____a__. a. i ’d like to but i have a meeting tonight.b. it doesn ’t matter. c. no, i don ’t like.d. oh, that sounds well. 8. ---- good night and thanks again. ----__d____. a. you can ’t say that.b. no, no. it ’s what i can do. c. how can you say that.d. good night. 9. ---- oh, i ’m sorry. but i promise i ’ll be careful next tim--e--. __b____. a. it ’s nothing at all.b. oh, never mind. it doesn ’t matter. c. thank you. d. there are no questions. 10. ---- could i use your dictionary for a moment? ---- ___c___. a. it ’s well.b. it doesn ’t matter.c. by all means.d. i have no idea. 11. ---- can you turn down the radio, please? ----____b__. a. oh, i know.b. i ’m sorry, i didn ’t realize it was that loud. c. i ll’keep it down next time.d. p


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