仁爱八年级下册英语unit topic section a.pptxVIP

仁爱八年级下册英语unit topic section a.pptx

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Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 2 I’m feeling better now. ;exam n.考试 strict adj. 严格的;严密的 be strict with 对······严格要求 shy adj. 害羞的 take it easy 别紧张,别着急 ;形成,产生 对……感兴趣 觉得寂寞 使某人振作 邀请某人做某事 电影的角色 充满 一个活泼的女孩 最后,终于;天气热牛奶容易变坏。(go) 在阅览室请保持安静。(keep) Ann似乎生病了。她(的声音)听起来糟透了。(seem, sound) ;Look at the pictures and write down the feelings of those persons. ;Make conversations to tell why they have these feelings.;Miss Wang;exam考试;shy害羞; strict 严格的,严谨的 be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 她对自己要求很严格。 She is very strict with herself. ;Listen to 1a and complete the table. ;Listen , look and say. ;Listen to 1a and follow. ;Ask and answer questions in pairs based on 1a and 1b. ;1. Find out and learn the key points in 1a.;be + adj. + prep. 大搜索;Dear Li Hong, I’m sorry to see that you are unhappy these days. so I send this card to ______ you _____. You don’t need to _____________ the English exam. It doesn’t matter if you _______________ one exam. You can work harder and __________ next time. Take it easy, and don’t be too ____________ yourself. You’re a quiet and ______ girl. Try to talk to others, and you’ll be ______ again. I’d like to be your friend and __________ you if you want. I hope you feel better when you see this card. Good luck! Yours, Helen;Key points in 3;1. 我们老师对我们要求严格, 这对我们有好处。(be strict with, be good for) 2.她觉得很孤独寂寞是因为她太文静腼腆,又没什么朋友。(shy) ;3. - 我很担心明天的数学考试。(be worried) - 别紧张!你会考得好的。 4. 到底是怎么回事?(seem to be) 5. 当你觉得心情不好时,你可以找老师谈谈。(have a talk with) ;Summary;Project;Homework;The end. Thanks!


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