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Corporation Management(企业管理) 首要属性Memory(记忆力) 次要属性Charisma(魅力) Anchoring(空间定锚) 不需要前提技能 描述:Skill at Anchoring Deployables(关于锚部署的技能) CFO Training(CFO训练) 需要前提技能(Corporation Management 2级/Retail 3级/Trade 2级) 描述:Skill at managing corp finances. 5% discount on all fees at non-hostile NPC station if acting as CFO of a corp(关于企业金融管理的技能.如果是企业CFO,可以拥有对非敌对NPC空间站的各项费用打5%折扣的优惠) 注:CFO=Chief Finance Officer 首席财务官 Corporation Management(企业管理) 不需要前提技能 描述:Basic corporation operation. +10 corporation members allowed per level(基础企业管理技术.每级技能增加企业成员上限10人) Notice: the CEO must update his corporation through the corporation user interface before the skill takes effect(注意:CEO必须在技能生效前通过企业用户界面更新他的企业) Empire Control(帝国控制) 需要前提技能(Megacorp Management 5级/Corporation Management 5级) 描述:Advanced corporation operation. +200 corporation members allowed per level.(先进的企业管理技术.每级技能增加企业成员上限200人) Notice: the CEO must update his corporation through the corporation user interface before the skill takes effect(注意:CEO必须在技能生效前通过企业用户界面更新他的企业) Ethnic Relations(种族管理) 需要前提技能(Corporation Management 2级/Social 3级) 描述:Skill at operating multiracial corporations. Extra 20% corporation members of other race than CEO allowed(关于管理多民族成员的企业.当CEO允许时额外增加20%企业其他民族成员上限) Notice: the CEO must update his corporation through the corporation user interface before the skill takes effect(注意:CEO必须在技能生效前通过企业用户界面更新他的企业) Megacorp Management(大型企业管理) 需要前提技能(Corporation Management 2级/Leadership 4级) 描述:Advanced corporation operation. +50 members per level(先进的企业管理技术.每级增加企业成员上限50人) Notice: the CEO must update his corporation through the corporation user interface before the skill takes effect(注意:CEO必须在技能生效前通过企业用户界面更新他的企业) Starbase Tactical Officer(基地战术管理官) 需要前提技能(Corporation Management 52级) 描述:skill at setting up starbase weapon systems(关于安装基地武器系统的技能) Drone(无人机) 首要属性Memory(记忆力) 次要属性Perception(感觉) Amarr Drone Specialization(A族黄蜂专精) 需要前提技能(Drones 5级) 描述:Specialization in the operation of advanced Amarr drones. 2% bonus to advanced Amarr drone damage


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