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学习必备 欢迎下载 名词性从句完成句子专项训练 二 一 主语从句 ____________________________________ is still unknown. 政府将怎样处理这些旧房子仍然不清楚。 (do) __________________________ ought to turn off the lights. 最后离开房间的人应该关灯。 (whoever) 3. It is still unknown _______________________________ to visit her sick father. 她是否能省 出点时间去看望她生病的父亲还不清楚。 (set) 4. It will make a difference if we realize ____________________ to live life to the fullest.如果 我们意识到充实生活是多么重要的话就会有所作为。(important) 5. ____________________ something improper at the meeting surprised all of us. 他在会上说 了些不合适的话让我们所有人感到惊讶。 (say) ___________________________ doesn ’ t make much difference他是.否出过国并不那么重要。 (abroad) 7. ______________________ wouldn ’ t be useful无论.我说什么都不会有用。 (whatever) It is a new trend __________________________________________ . 越来越多的消费者在网上购物是一个新趋势。 (purchase) ______________________________ is that they are all independent. 他们所拥有的共同之处是他们都很独立。 (common) 10. ________________________________ is that it offers more personal services. 使这家商店 不同的是它提供了更多的个人服务。 (what) ______________________________ in face of danger matters much. 面对危险我们应该保持冷静非常重要。 (stay) 12. __________________ makes no difference to me. 无论你要什么都对我不重要。 (whatever) 13.____________________________ was that more than half of her students had been admitted to key universities. 使老师自豪的是她的学生超过半数都被重点大学录取了。 (proud) 二 同位语从句 14. News came from the school office ______________________________ Beijing University. 学校办公室传来消息说约翰已被北大录取。 (admit) 15.A thought suddenly came to me _________________________ buying some flowers for my mother ’ s birthday我.突然想到我可以用零花钱买些花作为生日礼物送给妈妈。 (may) 16.When report came into the office ____________________________ forty-five miles south of the city, they did not take it seriously. 当有人在办公室报告说那个失踪的男孩在这个城市以 南 45 英里处被人发现的时候,他们没有认真对待它。 (spot) 17.Mr. Paine made a request ___________________. 潘恩先生要求我帮助他。 (help) 18.Language experts hold the view ______________________________ the development of language.语言专家认为网络语言对语言的发展有很大的影响 (influence) Is there any doubt ______________________


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