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学习必备 欢迎下载 六年级英语下册专项训练之特殊疑问句 姓名: ________________ 班别: _______________ 一 . 根据问句写答句。 What do you often do on the weekends? What did you do last weekend? What did she do last night? 4. What is your mother like? (高的) —————————————————————— 5.What does your mother like?( 白兔 ) 6. What do you have on Mondays? (英语,数学,体育) ___________________________________________________ 7. What do you do? 8.What’s the weather like in fall? (凉爽的) __________________________________________ 9. What ’s your favourite season? ———————————————————————————— 10.What day is it today? (星期三) _______________________________ What day was it yesterday?(星期二) _________________________ What ’ s the date today?____________________________________ What can you do at home? What did Mike do last Saturday? What is your mother doing? What is he doing? What is she doing? 18.What colour are the dogs? (黄色) 学习必备 欢迎下载 19.What colour is the dog? (黄色) 20. What are they doing? 21. What time is it? ( 8 点正) ________________________________________________________________ 22. When is your birthday? ( 九月五号 )__________________________ 23. When is Children ’ s Day? When do you get up ?(7:10) When did you get up yesterday? (7:10) How does he feel? How do you feel? 28.How do they go to the park? 29.How did they go to the park last Sunday? ___________________________________________________________ 30.How are you?( 很好 )_____________________________________________________ 31.How old are you?(10 岁)_________________________________________________ 32.How old is Amy?(10 岁 )__________________________________________________ 33.How manyapples are there?( 5)_____________________________________________ 34.How many apples do you have ?( 5)______________________________________ 35.How much is the shirt ?( 50 元) _________________________________________ 36.How muchare the jeans? ( 70 元)___________________________________________ 37.Who’s the boy? (我的弟弟)_______________________________________________ 38.Whose book is  this?  ( 艾米的 ) _


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