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13中考一模练习 13中考一模练习 PAGE 9 九选八 九选八 宝山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 A. will B. moment C. hold on D. dream E. dangerous F. alive G. for long H. sudden I. messages Miners(矿工)work under the earth to collect coal. They have _____51_____ jobs because sometimes the earth sinks or fall apart(坍塌). When this happens, miners are trapped(被困在)underground. They are covered with earth and rocks. They will die if they don’t have air to breathe, food to eat, or water to drink. They cannot live without any of these things _____52______. Trapped miners _____53_____ of being free and don’t give up. In July 2011, nine miners went to work in California. All of a _____54______, there was a terrible accident. A wall broke apart(断裂) and water flooded the place where the miners were working. The water came up to their necks. At first the miners shouted, but no one could hear them. Luckily, people on the surface found out where the miners were and dug a breathing hole. Later, they gave them _____55______ from their families, which told them to ______56______ and never lose heart. Many people took part in helping to save them. After several days’ hard work, they successfully pulled the tired miners out of the mine ______57_____. People called this “ miracle of lives(生命中的奇迹)”. On one hand we applaud(向……鼓掌) for the efforts and hard work of the rescuers(营救人员), we are moved by the coal miners’ strong _____58_______ to survive and we admire the care of people for these miners. But on the other hand we think the authority(有关当局) should take strong measures to prevent more of these sorts of accidents from happening. 51.E 52.G. 53. D 54. H 55. I 56. C 57. F 58. A. 长宁区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 A. energy B. stop C. providing D. mind E. another F. necessary G. before H. actually I. expect It can be a lot of work to adopt an animal, but it is also a lot of fun. Mollie Lesser, 18, of Chicago, US, recently adopted a little dog


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