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Beyond Compliance 超越合规 Finding EHS Risk Before It Finds You 有效控制环境健康安全风险;Lecturer’s Background 演讲人背景;Why it matters? 引言 Root causes of EHS mishaps 环境健康安全事件的根本原因 How to improve 改善之道 Good practices and resources 最佳实践与资源分享 Take-aways 尾语 Q&A 问答 ;本资料来源;;THOSE WHO BEST MEET AND FIND SOLUTIONS TO THESE CHALLENGES WILL LEAD THE COMPETITIVE PACK 机遇与挑战并存,制胜的关键在于企业领导人是否具备前瞻性思维;Natural resources and well-being of planet / human beings 自然资源与生态/人体健康 More stringent regulatory requirements - Polluters pay 日益严格的法规要求——谁污染,谁治理 Investors, consumers, NGOs, and employees increasingly call for actions 投资人、消费者、非政府组织及雇员的呼声日渐高涨 The superficial approach in management and remediation 管理与改善行动中的敷衍了事方式已不再适用 End-of-pipe control 末端治理 Unqualified staff 人员资质有限 Buy an ISO14001 certificate “办证”,“有钱能使鬼推磨” Pass the audits 验厂糊弄过了就行 Do more audits 有问题?再验! ;EHS missteps can 环境健看安全事故将 Create public relations nightmares (fines, worker strike, business interruption) 引发公众争议 (罚款、罢工、停产) Destroy markets and careers 重挫市场,引咎辞职 Knock billions off the value of a company 造成巨大经济损失 Examples of expensive lessons 案例 BP – massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico drained $32 billion from BP’s stock market value, still under investigation 英国石油公司 – 墨西哥湾石油泄漏事故导致股价市值蒸发约320亿美元,仍在调查中 GP batteries – over 100 workers been poisoned by cadmium 超霸电池 – 逾百人镉中毒 Stainless steel products – stainless steel polishing dusts blackened workers’ faces and lungs 不锈钢制品 – 不锈钢打磨粉尘侵害工人皮肤和肺部健康 Electronic parts– toxic VOC accumulated in workshop and by inhaling toxics, workers’ nerve systems were impaired 电子配件 – 有毒挥发性有机物累积在工厂车间空气中,导致工人神经系统受到损害 ;;Communications 交流 Offices are far away 天高皇帝远 Language barriers 语言障碍 Auditors have different understanding / interpretation of standards 审核员对标准的理解/阐述各异 Audits do not provide solutions 验厂并不能解决问题 End-of-pipe control 末端治理 Quick and easy, not addressing the problems – Applying band-aids 治标不治本 – 邦迪伤口贴 Do not cover management system (verifying policies, procedures, implementation, staff qualificatio


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