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英 语 教 案 六 年 级 上 册 Unit 1Where were you yesterday? 课 题 PartA 课 时 第 1~2 课时 1. 能 听 说 读 写 并 运 用 本 课 的 新 词 museum,gym,market, 教 church,supermaket,beach,cafe,cinema,hospital 。 学 2. 能运用基本句型进行交流和实际运用。 目 Where were you yesterday? 标 I was … . 3. 学习并初步掌握动词 be 的过去时 was ,were 的形式及用法 知识重点 能听说读写并运用本课的新词并带入所学句型进行对话 知识难点 学习并初步掌握动词 be 的过去时 was ,were 的形式及用法 教学用具 磁带,单词图片,课件 教 学 内 容 个性化修改 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Sing English songs Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Show a calendar. T: What day is it today? / How many days are there in a week? What are they? S: ……. T: The days from Mondayto Friday are Weekdays. Saturday and Sunday are weekends. Today is ….And yesterday was … Point to the calendar to help students to understand what new words mean, write and teach. 2. Put pictures of places under the days. T: Today is ….and I ’m at school. Yesterday was … and I was at the library/ sick and in the hospital/ …..Where were you? S: …… Encourage students answer with what they know. 3. Listen to Part A, understand the main idea, and answer. Where were Mingming on Saturday? 4. Help students to understand: during, hand in, in bed, visit, meet, finish with body language when necessary. 5. Listen to the tape and repeat. 6. Practice the dialogue. Step 3 Practice GameChain game Step 4 Consolidation 1. Make a small survey. 2. Give assessment 课后反思 课 题 PartA


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