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Christian color in Grimm's fairy tales 格林童话中的基督教色彩 格林童话 The backgro of the grimm cR In the early 19th century the German the e fragmented, and unity became the german nation nmon ire.The brothers Grimm thought, German nationalhnification, must start from the unity of the languag and culture M Gh的ip点 es is borh in中 tha 辈證则露炒程资南 格林童话就是在这样的背景下诞生的 传统的天主教国家,19世纪的德国仍然带有很浓重的基督教色彩,因此 林童话也不可避免地受到基督教的影响。 Christian color EXamples R A Cinderella story灰姑娘 cR The children of the madonna圣母的孩子 CR Singing a bone会唱歌的骨头 Ra ghost who has three gold hair有三根金头发的鬼 e 0S e0 la. She endured he stepmother and her sisters of ab And bear the heavy housework 她忍受着继母和姐姐的虐待,并 且承担着繁重的家务 But she didn't complain just in her mother's grave piously praying to God 但是她没有抱怨,只是在母亲的坟 边虔诚地向神祈祷 God sent a fairy to help her And Cinderella lived a happy life 神派仙女帮助了她,此后,她过上了幸福的生活 what does the story of Cinderella want to tell us? 灰姑娘的故事想告诉我们什么呢? CR Cinderella because in mothers tomb under a tree devout pray to god, endure the injustice of reality, so the fairy's help CR Cendrillon is cinderella's french name, but it is not the real name, but a nickname. The word cendrillon by cendre and bouillon both French word synthesis Constitute the first part of the"cendre Cendrillon in this paper is the meaning of"grey so named because Cinderella lying on the ashes to rest after work, and dirty Souillon is the meaning of" bitch", two sister to Cinderella the epithet oR Cinderella's nickname comes from the bible also has been symbol of the humiliation and penance ash(cendre) a word CR This story tells the children, we have to endure, to devout pray to god, and we will be able to live a happy life. Whatever you puts out there comes back to you 娘因为在母亲坟头的树下虔诚的向神祈祷,忍受现实中的种种不公,所以受到了 CR Cendrillon是灰姑娘的法文名字,但它其实不是此人物真正的名字,而是一个外号 由 cendre和 bouillon 部份的“ cendre"在法文中是“灰”的意思,这样取名是因为灰姑娘工作后躺在炭灰上 休息,总是脏兮兮的; bouillon是“贱人”的意思,是两位姐姐对灰姑娘的蔑称 R灰姑娘的这个外号也来自于《圣经》中一直象征着羞辱与苦修的灰( cendre)一词 α这则故事告诉孩子们,我们要忍耐,要虔诚的向神祈祷,就一定能够过上幸福的生活 R善恶都有报 The c


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