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学 海 无 涯 广东高考英语专题训练系列之短文改错 (一) Most families in China hoped their single children will 76. have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. 77. So do teachers in schools! Many children are given so much 78. homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. 79. The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No 80. wonder so many children are tired of lessons. Some even 81. attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people 82. already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. 83. Shouldn't we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our 84. 1 government is making out a plan to solve the education problems. 85. (二) Nowadays, almost every family has TV set, and almost everyone likes watching TV. TV has become part of our lives. TV has many advantages, for example, it informs us the latest news which is happening in the world; it can open our eyes, enlarge our knowledge and also help us to see more about the world.But, it also has some disadvantages. People waste too much time in watching TV and his normal life and work are affected.To the children who they spend too much time in watching TV, it can do harmful to their sight and healthy. So we should control the time of watching TV. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. (三) A few months after returning the US from Germany, I took part in a college course in French. Since I have learned to say German well in Germany, I thought it might be interested to begin studying another language. At the first class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise in it he would say a word or two in French, and each student would do their best to copy. When he got to me, he kept having me to say more words, and I finally asked him why. "I find it great fun," she explained it. "In 25 years of teaching at school, it's the first time I've heard an American speak French


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