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三字经英韵(前) 汉英对照·注解·完整版 人之初, 性本善。 性相近, 习相远。 Man on earth, Good at birth. The same nature Varies on nurture. 人在太初或刚出生时其本性都是善良的; 由于后天成长环境、 教育背景不一样, 性情也就有 了各种各样的差别。 Man was good in the beginning, or he is good at birth. Human nature deviates due to different nurtures. 苟不教, 性乃迁。 教之道, 贵以专。 With no education, There'd be aberration. To teach well, You deeply dwell. 对孩子如果不进行适当的教育, 其本性就会发生变化。 说到教育, 最关键的问题就是要专心 一致,精讲要义而不厌其烦。 If a child is not properly taught, he may go astray. In education, what is important is to be focus ed, dwelling on key points. 昔孟母, 择邻处, 子不学, 断机杼。 Then Mencius' mother Chose her neighbor. At Mencius sloth, She cut th' cloth. 战国时期,孟子的母亲为了使孟子有个良好的学习环境曾经三次搬家。有一次孟子逃学, 孟母就割断织机的布来表明事情的严重性和中断学习的后果。 In the Warring State period, Mencius' mother moved three times for better environment for he r son. Mencius once played truant, and she cut the cloth she was weaving to show her seriousnes s and the consequences of interrupted learning. 窦燕山, 有义方, 教五子, 名俱扬。 Dough by name Fulfilled his aim. His five sons Became famous ones. 五代十国时期,有个燕山人,名叫窦禹钧。他创办私塾,延聘名师,教子有方。他的五个儿 子都科举成名,很有成就。 In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, there was a man, Dough by name, from the Sw allow Hills. He founded a private school, hired famous teachers, and managed well in having his c hildren taught. All his five sons passed Grand Test or the Imperial Examinations as it is often calle d, and lived very successful lives. 养不教, 父之过。 教不严, 师之惰。 What's a father? A good teacher. What's a teacher? A strict preacher. 养育儿女,仅仅供其吃穿,而不进行良好的教育,那便是做父亲的过错。教育为本,但是只 教育,而不严格要求那就是做老师的没有尽到职责了。 It is not enough to provide children with food and clothing. Education is important. To rear childr en without giving them good education is a father ’sfault; a teacher is considered lazy if he is not strict with the children he teaches. 子不学,


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