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e 精品購物指南 Life Style 中国时尚媒体先锋 Lifestyle 2011 2010中国报刊广告投放价值综合专业媒体第一名 北京广告行业开拓创新奖 e What is Lifestyle 精品是什么? e What is Lifestyle? ˇ每周一、四两期发行,每期可影响百万优质尚端读者。在性价 比、时效性、广泛性等方面与其他刊物相比优势明显 Monday Thursday 2 issues a week v周一刊侧壅男性视角。男性时尚,品位生活,时事政治,“私 亭”人生 声国 Monday for mens lifestyle and fashion 周四刊绝对女性时尚品味。时装,美容,珠宝,时尚话题等 打造女性时尚生活圣经。 之改重 Thursday for womens fashion, beauty, jewel e What is Lifestyle精品是什么? 周一男刊 Monday for men’ s lifestyle and fashion BUSINESS 定位:时代生活周刊 Orientation: Fashion weekly for the city elites 跨红海 LIE STYLE 规格:一刊三册 Specification: three books each issue 《品时尚》:足极致精英男性在时尚凸质上的需求。服饰、钟表、化 女品、洋酒雪茄 Mens fashion All about latest s fashion trends clothes, watches, skincare, wine, cigar etc. 《大都市》:出绕日标读者的思想、圈子、必需。涉及时政、评论、商 Cosmopolitan: thoughts, needs and social circle of the target 《财高圈》:高端男性的“私亨”生活。I通讯、豪车、豪宅、游艇 unica iponvatu toves bifet eima lv ceat so. et e What is Lifestyle精品是什么? 周一男刊 Monday for men s lifestyle and fashion BUSINESS 目标读者:社会中坚阶层的极致精英男性;企业中的决策阶层、社 LLFESTYLE 会高端人群、家庭支柱角色 Target reader: aged at 25-39, mainstream population with 男女受众比例:6比4 品感物 Reader proportion: Male6 Female 发行 Circulation √北京、上海、深圳、广州等国内一线城市发行 Guangzhou cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, √北京、上海机场和航线直投展示,机场书店销售 Free at all Beijing- Shanghai airline Express. Available at airport √全国万余家高端消费场所直投展示 Direct mailing to over ten thousand luxury clubs and bars e What is Lifestyle精品是什么? 周四女刊 Thursday for Womens Fashion Beauty OHAS 规格:外封+一刊三册 Specification: outside pages three books 定位:时尚生活圣经 estyle:服装,服饰,美容,腕表,珠宝 ifestyle: fashion, accessories, beauty, watches and jewelry 乐活志:吃,喝,玩,乐,购,游,健 Lohas: Food a beverage, games amusement, shopping, traveling and sports 家居生活:房产,家居,家电,回艺,宠物 Fashion Home Real estate, housing, home appliance gardening and pets 薇 蜜楠风晶 目标读者:25-39岁,事业趋于稳定上升阶段的社会中坚 Target reader: aged at 25-39, mainstream population with 男女受众比例:3比7 Reader proportion: Male3 Female7 e Circulation 发行 e Circulation for 2009 ˇ强大的发行量优势支持 零售量居京城时尚类媒体首位; 北京地区唯一的一周2次有报纸的发行频次、发行量,有杂志的 品


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