
贺州市高铁生态新城概念性总体规划及新城站前片区城市设计 毕业论文.doc

贺州市高铁生态新城概念性总体规划及新城站前片区城市设计 毕业论文.doc

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中文摘要 随着我国高铁时代的来临,高速铁路运输成为人们重要的交通方式之一。高速铁路站成为城市系统一个新的中心,同时也成为了城市中一个崭新的对外门户。本规划设计通过对贺州高铁站周边地区及其站前片区分别做了不同层面的规划设计,以探讨城市设计的方法、主要内容、作用以及实施策略。 首先,利用圈层理论,从产业主导用地的角度出发,对贺州高铁站周边地区进行了合理的用地安排。同时从贺州各方面的自身条件出发,分别对该片区的总体城市规划片区和站前核心区的产业功能布局做了一定的探索。将总体城市规划片区分为、站前广场、贺江新城CBD、物流园、体育中心、中心公园、行政中心、区域商贸中心、会展中心、创意产业园、专科学校、客家文化公园、文化展示中心等几个功能区。 其次,以突显规划区公共空间、加强景观中轴线为目的,对规划区整体的空间风貌进行了整体设计 最后,针对站前核心片区城市设计,拟在设计中探索三个主要问题: 1、从贺州自然风貌条件中提取元素,在站前核心区从空间和建筑形态上打造出贺州特有的城市门户形象; 2、通过利用交通环形岛的设计方式,对高铁站区的人流和交通进行有效的疏导; 3、利用圈层理论,结合贺州实际条件,对站前核心区的产业和功能进行合理的布局。 关键词:高铁站 高铁站周边地区 城市设计 产业 城市门户 New Area Planning Of Hezhou High-speed Rail Station Abstract With the advent of the era of high-speed rail, high-speed rail transport become one of the important means of transportation.. High-speed railway station has become a new center of the city system, but also become a new city outside the portal. The planning and design of high-speed rail station by Hezhou Station Area and its surrounding areas were done at different levels of planning and design, to explore ways of urban design, the main content, the role and implementation strategies. Firstly, According to circle theory, from the perspective of industry-led land starting on high-speed rail station Hezhou surrounding areas for a reasonable land-use arrangements. From all sides of Hezhou conditions, namely the industrial area of ??the city overall planning function area and the core area of ??the layout of the station doing some exploring. Area is divided into the overall urban planning, Station Square, HE Jiang New Town CBD, logistics parks, sports centers, Central Park, the administrative center, the regional trade center, exhibition center, Creative Industry Park, College of Hakka Cultural Park, Cultural Exhibition Center and several functional areas. Finally, the core Station Area urban design, intended to explore three main issues in the design: 1. Extraction of elements from the natural landscape conditions Hezhou, in the core area of ??the railway station o


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